
June 25, 2013

Grand Water Trine 2013 ~via @darkstarastro

Grand Trine

Pure grand trine energy
is about harmony and ease, the line of least resistance. Trine people have a real charm about them, seductive and languid, like falling back onto a giant, pluffy, triangular marshmallow.

However the grand trine could easily also be the most over-rated aspect pattern of all. It all depends very much on the state of the rest of the chart and also the planets involved in a grand trine.

If the trine should contain some powerful stars this will make it less likely to disappoint and give it some real power. Sugar-coated describes the trine quite well, transits can pass us by quite easily because we didn’t notice the medicine going down. To make the best use of them is to probably to break some bad news on a trine transit. It will go down better. But they don’t cause any good luck by itself, we still have to make it happen.

So what do we make of someone with a grand trine in their chart.  First of all trines do not spell out instant fame and success or even necessarily great talent. They show three planets who are passing energy around each other in an easy,  unquestioning way. The energy goes round and round without interruption, ad nauseam….Hence the reputation of tines being lazy. For this uninterrupted current can get quite trance-like, comforting and euphoric.

The trine is rather like a massage, soothing out all those knots in your back. Sooooothing, very soothing, until your whole body becomes like jelly. It can get hypnotic. So the danger with grand trines is that they can become complacent, they don’t really have much will or drive inside them. What makes a grand trine really fly is when it contains an opposition inside it, giving it some back bone. This is known as a Kite which I will talk about in another post. A person with a grand trine may actually have chosen to incarnate and just be. This is the person to exude calm and harmony over fraught situations. They don’t want to shake things up, trines like to make you a cup of tea and say “There, there” They are happy being the sofa everyone snuggles on at the end of a hard day and there is nothing wrong with that.

Grand Water Trine 2013

In between the tough and crusty bread of eclipses in 2013 we get some creamy trines, which will give us a respite from all the exorcising, soul bending yoga and crucifix bearing. We ease into them with Saturn Trine Neptune. It promises to turn your dreams into reality. BUT as Jamie wrote; “this does not necessarily mean the most ideal manifestations…. If your dream is slaughter and mayhem, then this transit should work just as well for you, as it would if your dream is to start an organic community garden in your neighbourhood.”   A joyful, wishful June 11 and July 19 then, especially Decan 1 water signs and to a lesser extent Decan 1 earth signs.
Grand trine 2013The highlight of the year is a magical grand water trine on July 17. Planning a wedding? This is the day.  It will be wonderfully romantic and  Saturn will help crystallise wishes. But keep in mind trines are about being not doing, so don’t waste this golden opportunity by blissing out too much. In the mundane world, Jupiter trine Neptune brings social justice and the urge to show compassion in sensitive human rights cases.
There is understanding between different cultures and the ability to think philosophically. We have spellbinding Lilith conjunct Jupiter as part of the trine, which is good for women and their influence in both conventional and “New Age” type religions. Lucky decan 1 water signs get energised the most by the huge optimism generated here and can help motivate the rest of us. But anyone with a personal planet or angle between 2º- 6º should benefit greatly from this as well, even by square or opposition since you will get a balancing or karmic adjustment from another part of that grand trine. So great all round for mind expansion and spiritual bliss. A nice change from self flagellation then..

Healing Trines

Grand trines used at a high vibration can be incredible healers. On the negative side, a grand trine in the chart might indicate a person who takes the easy path and gets away with things. That could by why the trine has a lucky reputation. The native may just attract good luck, things fall into their hands without them even trying. The problem I think is that of not appreciating either the gifts they have or the good luck because they have not actually worked for it. Again this is why they are sometimes ignored; it’s just too easy.

Trine people may trigger anger from others because they appear to not even recognise or enjoy their good fortune. This can infuriate a square person who would give anything for the good looks, inheritance or freebies the trine person has had thrown at them. They can also attract jealousy also for the same reason.

There is no question that a grand trine can be a wonderful talent that can be used beneficially once it is recognized. The key is making the most of the three planets contained therein and remember to snap them out of their trance once in a while. The fire/assertive planets are less likely to zone out however, so a Jupiter/Mars/Sun trine is more likely to be a high achiever than a Moon/Neptune/Venus.

Grand Trine Celebrities

Grand TrineKylie Minogue has a sexy electric DC/Lilith/Uranus trine, which is quite obviously effortlessly magnetic. Joan Baez made great use of her gift of a Mars/Pluto/Eris trine being a folk singer and activist. Her strong vibrato uses the trine to harmonising difficult subject matter into something more palatable. Cilla Black has a long and successful career as a TV personality with Mercury/Juno/Neptune she was most famous for her for her matching-making program “Blind date”. Bob Geldof Vertex/Moon/Eris A popular activist. Evel Kenevel Venus/Pluto/Eris Daring and dashing. Reginald Kray AC/Sun/Lilith Trines used in the negative manner, to entrance and hold mesmerised.  Jane Mansfield Vertex/Ceres/Pluto. Sexy and voluptuous with pulling power. Donald Trump  DC/Jupiter/Uranus. Lucky and unexpected cash good fortune through others. Tina Turner Sun/Pluto/Eris. Isn’t it just! Oscar Wilde AC/Chiron/Uranus.The charming eccentric. Robin Williams AC/Moon/Uranus. Professional Loon. Sean Lennon Sun/Ceres/DC. Famous Dad passes on his gifts. Russell Crowe Mercury/Ceres/Uranus. Gifted Actor. David Tennant (Dr Who) Moon/Ceres/Pluto. Regeneration and time-cycles! Rose West DC/Sun/Eris. Alison Goldfrap Vertex/Ceres/Pluto. Courtney Love Sun/Juno/Chiron. Dark seductive trines. George W Bush AC/Lilith/Eris. Warrior Queen… Fidel Castro Mercury/Saturn/Jupiter with Eris/Uranus in a stellium. Certainly not an inert trine there. Nick Clegg Proud owner of 3 grand trines. Moon/Lilith/JupiterAC/Juno/Eris Vertex/Saturn/Neptune. Mr lucky pants. *All aprox 1 deg 30′ orb.
I note the high frequency of Eris and Uranus, it seems there has to be one activating/aggressive type planet in there to make the trines more famous and successful. Of my friends I noticed more in the way of Chiron/ Neptune/Venus and these where not particularly ambitious and quite happy with their lot.
Aspects > Grand Trine.

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May 1, 2013

When You Have the Right Vibe: Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Strangeness in the Field ~~via @Lifewisenews
Published On: Wed, May 1st, 2013 vibe

The following is excerpted from Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within [1], recently released from R.L.Ranch Press.

One piece of evidence for the holographic nature of nonstandard fields that have been proposed in recent years — the zero-point field (a candidate for the unified field [2]), the psi field of psychic phenomena, Ervin Laszlo’s Akashic field [3], and the morphic field proposed by Rupert Sheldrake [4] — is that they all share a common feature: sensitivity to similarity in vibration.

If a holographic image has many different holograms embedded within it, shining a laser of a specific frequency upon it will cause only those holograms made with lasers of the same frequency to stand out. That’s because things with the same vibration naturally resonate and reinforce one another — just as two violin strings at the same pitch resonate with one another. This property of resonance has [also] been used to explain how each of us might interact with mysterious fields like the psi or Akashic fields… People pick up only that with which they personally “resonate.” Each individual’s resonant frequency, determined by their life experience, physical body, and energy body, limits what they can perceive.

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic resonance also depends upon similarity in vibration. Members of the same species, being “on the same wavelength,” are able to tap into information that pertains uniquely to them. And while members of an entire species might be able to tune into a fairly broad spectrum of frequencies (think of Carl Jung’s notion of the collective unconscious that humans supposedly tap into [5]), smaller, more tightly connected groups — such as members of the same family or loving couples — resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they have access to their own “private frequency.” In fact, Sheldrake goes even further and suggests that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates. Instead of being stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in the morphic field. Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios tuning to their own private stations.

The existence and importance of similarity in vibration has also popped up in psi experiments. For example, individuals gifted at psychokinesis — the ability to affect physical objects with the mind — have described the experience as a feeling of resonance with those objects. A fascinating body of evidence has also been uncovered by Dean Radin and his colleague Roger Nelson at Princeton’s PEAR lab… [R]esearchers at PEAR found that connected couples can influence random event generators (REGs) more effectively than individuals working alone. Because of this phenomenon, Radin and Nelson decided to test for even larger field effects by using these random devices as “antennae.” First they placed REGs at events where people were all focused on the same thing and therefore “vibrating” similarly-for example, at music festivals, religious events, and even at the Academy Awards. The results were as predicted; these venues did indeed cause the machines’ outputs to deviate from the norm [6, 7].

Then, in 1997, they decided to place REGs at fifty locations all over the world, run them continuously, and see if they could pick up on major world events. The results were astounding. Over the next ten years, Radin and Nelson studied the machines’ reactions to 205 major world events and discovered that they did indeed respond to events that were intense on a global level — especially those that were tragic. The most striking effects occurred in response to the events on 9/11, which caused the largest daily average correlation between the machines’ outputs. Even more amazing, this correlation became noticeable a few hours before the first of the twin towers was hit! [8, 9] An instance of collective precognition?

Whereas world events less horrific than 9/11 probably evoke more varied vibratory responses in people (and therefore do not resonate and amplify each other as well), truly frightening events tend to evoke a more common, coherent response. As this study showed, when nearly all of the people on Earth “got onto the same wavelength” on 9/11, even machines noticed…

Synchronicity and Fields of Meaning
Similarity in vibration has also been used to explain the phenomenon of synchronicity — “coincidences” of seemingly unrelated events that share a common meaning… [A] well-known illustration of this phenomenon was described by psychiatrist Carl Jung, the originator of the notion of synchronicity [10]. One of Jung’s patients was recounting her dream about a golden scarab beetle when he heard a rapping on the window. When he opened it, a rose chafer beetle — the insect most similar to a scarab in Jung’s region — flew into the room. Jung quickly put two and two together. He realized that the mythological meaning of the scarab — an ancient Egyptian symbol for rebirth — was highly pertinent to his patient’s problems. And this was also the reason why the insect had appeared in waking life.

The phenomenon of synchronicity demonstrates a key point — the universe may not be operating like a cold, meaningless machine after all. Instead, the reality we experience each day may be flooded with fields of meaning. One field might embody the horror and violence of 9/11. Another field might be associated with a hope for rebirth. Each field of meaning has a particular vibration to it, and objects, individuals, emotions, dreams, and events with similar vibrations will tend to resonate with one another and then co-occur. This is what creates synchronicities. In fact, various theories of quantum physics require the existence of synchronicities [11]…
Think about it. There may be another fundamental mechanism at play in our universe besides cause and effect. Most of us think that everything that occurs in our world is due to some causal mechanism. A causes B causes C. However, synchronicity — the co-occurrence of events within the same field of meaning — may be another fundamental reason why things tend to happen. Many things in life that we think are due to cause-and-effect or mere coincidence may actually be due to synchronicity.

Here’s an example that occurred while I was writing this book. My husband Steve and I had long admired Rupert Sheldrake’s work on morphic fields but had never met him. To us, he was a brilliant scientist living far away in England. However, in September 2008, just as I was working on the section of this book that describes his work, Steve got word that Sheldrake would be giving a talk at his research laboratory at Sun Microsystems. Now please understand; talks about things like the morphic field are not commonplace in computer research labs. In fact, Sheldrake’s talk was poorly attended. But it just so happened that one of the lab’s researchers had met Sheldrake in Scotland and had invited him to speak the next time he was in our area. When Steve heard about Sheldrake’s visit, he asked if I could also attend, and we both received an invitation to have lunch with him the next day. Before I could even finish writing about Rupert Sheldrake, I was sitting and having lunch with him! Coincidence? Or synchronicity?…

A Meaningful Cure
The powerful influence of similarity in vibration has also made its way into healing. In fact, it is the very foundation of homeopathy — an alternative medical system originally developed in Germany in the early 1800s. The word “homeopathy” literally means similar (homeo) suffering (pathy), and practitioners of homeopathy choose medicines for their patients based on a principle of cure called the Law of Similars. This principle can be described as follows:

If a substance is shown experimentally to cause a specific pattern of emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms in healthy test subjects, then that substance can be prepared so that it can cure individuals suffering from the same pattern of symptoms.
In other words, homeopathy is the science of healing based on similarity of vibration. The Law of Similars essentially says: “likes cure likes.” Bring two things of like vibration together — a remedy and a patient — and the effect will be a cure of the patient’s disease.

Here’s a simple illustration. We all know the common effects of drinking coffee: wakefulness, a mind full of thoughts, excited happiness, acute senses, and sometimes heart palpitations and diarrhea. These symptoms are manifestations of the vibration of coffee, and coffee imparts these qualities to those who drink it. Now, if a patient comes to a homeopath seeking help for chronic insomnia, and their insomnia is characterized by an overactive mind, excitement, acuteness of the senses, heart palpitations, and diarrhea, it is likely that the homeopath will prescribe Coffea Cruda — a remedy prepared from coffee. That’s because this patient manifests the same vibrational qualities as coffee. And if the remedy is truly homeopathic to the patient — that is, if coffee’s symptoms match his or her overall emotional, mental, and physical state — it has the potential to completely cure their insomnia, not just palliate it as a sleeping pill would do.

Of course, the most controversial thing about homeopathy is not the Law of Similars, but the way in which homeopathic remedies are made. The process, called potentization, involves a sequence of steps in which a substance is repeatedly diluted and vigorously shaken. In fact, for most remedies, these dilutions are so extreme that they do not contain even a single molecule of the original substance! Nevertheless, homeopaths have found that the higher the dilution, the more potent a remedy can be. They believe this is possible because the energetic signature of a substance is captured by the potentization process. In other words, potentization enables the innate vibrational quality of a substance in nature to be unleashed and harnessed. It is this vibration that evokes the symptoms caused by a remedy, and it is also this vibratory signature that enables the remedy to cure a similar vibratory state in a patient. Like vibrations cure like vibrations…

Water: A Potent Carrier of Information
Although homeopathy has been the target of skeptics and critics since it was developed by physician Samuel Hahnemann in the early 1800s, open-minded scientists are finally beginning to get an inkling of how the remedies might be working. Recent studies have shown that the encoding of information in homeopathic dilutions is not about their chemical composition; it’s more about the bonding structures between the molecules within them. Apparently, the shaking process (also called succussion) performed during homeopathic potentization is the critical step that develops these structures.

In 2007, a prominent researcher in the field of structured water, Professor Rustum Roy of Pennsylvania State University, showed for the first time that extreme homeopathic dilutions are not mere water, but highly structured arrangements of water molecules. In fact, various types of instruments in Roy’s laboratory were able to pick up the distinct signatures of different remedies, even at levels of dilution in which no remedy substance likely remained [12]. Homeopathic experience has shown that these unique signatures can then be transmitted to dry pills, and that the power and distinct effects of these pills remain stable indefinitely if they are stored properly…

Interestingly, the potentization process can be used to capture the energetic signature of any substance, not just those used to make homeopathic remedies. This has been shown repeatedly by several independent scientists in replicated studies. For example, consider the work of Jacques Benveniste, a French physician and medical researcher in the field of immunology who helped discover platelet-activating factor in 1972. Unfortunately, Benveniste’s career was set upon a rocky course when a colleague encouraged him to study the phenomenon of potentization. His first paper about the subject described how antibodies of immunoglobulin E (anti-IgE) could be potentized beyond Avogadro’s number (the point at which it is unlikely to find a single molecule of a substance remaining in a dilution) and still cause substance-specific effects.

When Benveniste published these results in the prestigious journal Nature in 1988 [13], he came under a barrage of attacks that lasted for the rest of his life. But perhaps this wasn’t surprising. Benveniste’s work had essentially shown that any drug could be potentized and still remain effective. That means that billions of doses of any drug could be produced for pennies — information that drug companies would spend a fortune to attack and suppress. And in fact, there is evidence that a world-wide campaign to discredit homeopathy has been funded by the pharmaceutical industry for this very reason [14, 15].

Despite the attacks on Benveniste and his subsequent loss of government funding in France, he continued his work and came up with even more astounding results. Because he suspected that the potentization process conveys an electromagnetic signal into the water of a dilution, he developed an apparatus that could digitally record it. He then transmitted this signal electronically — via E-mail — to a distant laboratory, and had it “replayed” into water there. Amazingly, the resulting water caused the same effects as the original substance.
Benveniste eventually conducted several blinded experiments using this protocol. He published a paper in the Journal of Clinical Immunology in 1997 that described one such experiment, in which a specific antigen was potentized, recorded, E-mailed to Chicago, and replayed into water in a Chicago laboratory [16]. This water did indeed cause antigen-specific effects on isolated guinea pig hearts. I saw Benveniste present this paper at Stanford University Medical School in 1999. The large lecture hall was standing-room only, but the audience was politely incredulous.

Of course, Benveniste’s new results in what he called “digital biology” were even more mind-boggling and threatening than his original paper in Nature. Not only could billions of doses of a substance be prepared cheaply using potentization, but its signature could be E-mailed and imprinted into water essentially for free… Despite the fact that other initially-skeptical scientists have successfully replicated his work [17, 18], acceptance of Benveniste’s work remains for the future. Perhaps, with the growth of a new consciousness in the scientific community, that future will arrive sooner rather than later. Indeed, in 2009, some new research conducted by Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier confirmed the same kinds of effects that Benveniste described [19]…

The Meaning of Disease
The power of potentization is indeed one of the landmark discoveries of Homeopathy. It provides us with a method for capturing the energetic signature of any substance in nature. But perhaps even more significant is homeopathy’s therapeutic principle, the Law of Similars — because it says something specific about how fields of meaning operate and interact. There may even be a direct relationship between the Law of Similars and synchronicity.

The late psychiatrist Edward Whitmont was a student of Carl Jung and eventually became a homeopath. In his book, Psyche and Substance, he speaks at length about the relationship between homeopathy and synchronicity [20]. Psychiatrists have long known that patients sometimes alternate between specific physical symptoms and specific mental or emotional symptoms. In fact, when mental symptoms are present, physical symptoms often vanish, and vice versa. This phenomenon is an illustration of the fundamentally psychosomatic nature of disease — that disease manifests in both the psyche (mind) and soma (body)…

Homeopathy and other holistic medical systems have long recognized that disease is a body-mind affair. That is why each patient manifests a unique pattern of mental, emotional, and physical symptoms — a pattern that is an outward representation of his or her vibratory state. As Whitmont points out, each homeopathic remedy is also associated with a vibration… The Law of Similars then states that bringing together the vibratory pattern of a patient and the similar vibratory pattern of a remedy can be curative. The reason this is true, Whitmont suggests, is synchronicity… Homeopathic remedies are curative because they share the same synchronistic field as a disease and therefore can replace it within a patient’s body. Hahnemann proposed essentially the same explanation in the early 1800s for the operation of his remedies upon what he called the dynamis or vital force — the energetic etheric field that encompasses the physical body.

The fact that homeopathy has worked for millions of people for 200 years says a lot about the power of the Law of Similars. But it also says something about fields of meaning and their relationship to us in disease and in health. Just as the dream of the golden scarab said something meaningful about the psychological state of Jung’s patient, holistic practitioners recognize that each person’s unique manifestation of disease is not merely the result of genetic inheritance or the accidents of life — it is a reflection of a field of meaning vibrating at the core of their being.

Paranormal Medicine?
A couple of other phenomena witnessed in the homeopathic world are worth mentioning. Because they border on the paranormal, they are rarely openly discussed. Both tend to occur during provings — the homeopathic drug trials. The object of these trials is to see what pattern of symptoms a substance will create in healthy volunteers. Today’s provings are conducted using modern techniques like double-blinding and placebo controls. Thus, some test subjects (called provers) are given placebo while others are given the actual remedy. Since the trials are also blinded, neither the provers nor their supervisors, who collect symptom information, know who has been given a real remedy or a placebo, nor the identity of the substance being tested. Nevertheless, the following kinds of phenomena have been observed during many trials.

First, it has been noticed that the moment a prover forms the intention to participate in a proving, they often begin to experience symptoms that are later found to be characteristic of the remedy — long before the trial actually begins. While this doesn’t happen to all provers, it happens frequently enough to be noteworthy. By simply intending to join a remedy trial, a prover may enter into the field of meaning of the remedy substance. Just as paranormal phenomena often defy the normal constraints of time and space, the fields of meaning created by homeopathic remedies may as well.

The second remarkable thing about provings is that the symptoms developed by provers often directly reflect the nature of the substance from which a remedy is made. This is most obvious in the case of remedies made from animal substances… Consider, for example, the blind proving of Androctonus conducted in 1985. Even though the provers did not know that they were taking a remedy made from scorpion venom, they developed the following kinds of symptoms: overconfidence; contemptuousness and defiance; lack of feeling and cruelty; quarrelsomeness and deceitfulness; the delusion that they were about to be assaulted and a malicious desire to injure others; suspiciousness; a lack of impulse control; anxiety and fear that is ameliorated by walking around; aversion to company; and a feeling that one is alone or separated from the world [21].

Notice how evocative many of these symptoms are of scorpions — violent, cruel, and antisocial. Indeed, this remedy has been effective in treating patients with serious mental illness. In my book about homeopathy, Impossible Cure, I describe the case of one man who, thanks to Androctonus, experienced a cure of severe allergies and headaches, as well as a significant lessening of arthritis, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The man was an avid hunter, obsessed with guns and knives. He told his homeopath how he would wait until his prey came to him and how he could sense and communicate with them. Interestingly, scorpions also let their prey come to them, and they can accurately detect their victim’s location by sensing their vibrations. After taking Androctonus, this hunter was not only alleviated of his physical problems, but he also became much less interested in his extensive collection of weapons [22].

Think of it. The process of potentization may provide us with a method for accessing the very essence of the natural world. Just as Merlin the Magician showed the future King Arthur what it was like to be a fish or bird, a prover who takes a potentized remedy may learn what it’s like to be a scorpion, a dolphin, a flower, or even a mineral! Our entire universe may be intricately and intimately interconnected through vibration and meaning.
[1] A. Lansky. Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within. Portola Valley, California: R.L.Ranch Press (2011),
[2] E. Laszlo. Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, p. 47-53 (2004).
[3] E. Laszlo. Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions (2004).
[4] R. Sheldrake. The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature. Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, p. 168 (1988).
[5] C. Jung. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Princeton: Princeton University Press (1981).
[6] R.D. Nelson, et al. “Field REG Anomalies in Group Situations.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), pp. 111-141 (1996).
[7] R.D. Nelson, et al. “Field REG II: Consciousness Field Effects: Replications and Explorations.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 12(3), pp. 425-454 (1998).
[8] R.D. Nelson, et al. “Correlations of Continuous Random Data with Major World Events.” Foundations of Physics Letters. 15(6), pp. 537-550 (2002).
[9] D.I. Radin. “Exploring Relationships Between Random Physical Events and Mass Human Attention: Asking For Whom the Bell Tolls.” Journal of Scientific Exploration. 16(4), pp. 533-547 (2002).
[10] C. Jung. Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal: Key Readings. London: Routledge (1977).
[11] R. Rucker. The Fourth Dimension: A Guided Tour of Higher Universes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, p. 186 (1984).
[12] M.L. Rao, R. Roy, I.R. Bell, and R. Hoover, “The Defining Role of Structure (Including Epitaxy) in the Plausibility of Homeopathy.” Homeopathy, 96, pp. 175-182 (2007).
[13] E. Davenas, et al. “Human Basophil Degranulation Triggered by Very Dilute Antiserum Against IgE.” Nature, Volume 333, Number 6176, pp. 816-181 (June 1988).
[14] H. Stevenson. “Quackbusters are Busted!” (July 2010). See: See:
[15] A. Lansky. “Could This Forbidden Medicine Eliminate the Need for Drugs? Or, Why the Skeptics Love to Hate Homeopathy.” Mercola Newsletter (December 22, 2009). See:
[16] J. Aissa, et al. “Transatlantic Transfer of Digitized Antigen Signal by Telephone Link.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 99: S175 (1997).
[17] V. Brown and M. Ennis. “Flow-Cytometric Analysis of Basophil Activation: Inhibition by Histamine at Conventional and Homeopathic Concentrations.” Inflammation Research, 50, Supplement (2), S47-S48 (2001).
[18] P. Belon, et al. “Histamine Dilutions Modulate Basophil Activation.” Inflammation Research, 53, pp. 181-188 (2004).
[19] L. Montagnier, et al.,”Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences.” Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci, 1: 81-90 (2009).
[20] E.C. Whitmont. Psyche and Substance. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books and Homeopathic Educational Services (1991).
[21] R. Vermeulen. Synoptic Materia Medica 2. Haarlem, The Netherlands: Merlijn Publishers (1996).
[22] Lansky, Amy L. Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy. Portola Valley, California: R.L.Ranch Press, pp. 127-129 (2003),

Comment: I am saving this here for now, so it does not just get lost in the streams. I want to study this more later on. Time is a tyrant! ~Che Peta

VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter

January 28, 2013

Earth Chakras ~by Madisyn Taylor

January 28, 2013

Earth Chakras
Caretaking the Soul of Gaia

by Madisyn Taylor

Just as you have energy centers in your body called Chakras,
so too does Mother Earth.

As we walk upon the earth, we walk upon a living being more similar to ourselves than we imagine. Just like us, the earth has both a physical body and an energetic body, complete with a chakra system identified by ancient mystics and modern scientists alike. Gaia, as the earth is called when acknowledged as a living entity in her own right, has her own life force and her own path of unfolding, separate from us, but including us. Human beings and Gaia are intertwined on every level, not just the physical, and an awareness of her chakras can help us to acknowledge, heal, and enable her on her path, just as she selflessly returns the favor to us.

It is generally agreed that Gaia has seven major chakras distributed evenly across her body and connected to one another via two lines of energy that intersect at various points on the earth. The first chakra is located at Mount Shasta in Northern California; the second is in Lake Titicaca in South America; the third chakra is in Uluru-Kata Tjuta in Australia; the fourth chakra resides in Glastonbury in England; the fifth chakra is at the Great Pyramid in Mount of Olives; the sixth chakra is in Kuh-e Malek Siah in Iran, and the seventh chakra is in Mount Kailas in Tibet. In addition to her seven major chakras, she has minor chakras and other vortexes of energy that are significant to her life-energy system, and all these energy centers need caretaking. Just as we can heal ourselves through our own chakras, we can heal and support Gaia through hers.

While it would be a wonderful experience to visit one of the earth’s chakras, you can always participate in loving and healing Gaia wherever you are. Maintaining an awareness of the regions in which her chakras reside can be very powerful. You may place photos of the locales on your altar, sending healing energy to each of her chakras during your meditations. As you consciously connect your energy system to her energy system, the true meaning of groundedness reveals itself—it is a relationship with Gaia in which we acknowledge our calling as the caretakers of her soul.

VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter

January 20, 2013

January 26 Full Moon – Soothing January 20, 2013 By Marina

January 20, 2013 By

The Full Moon on January 26, 2013 is at 7º Leo 24′ and on the fixed star Praesaepe in Cancer the crab. It is also known as “The Hive” with all the little stars functioning as the worker bees. The Full Moon is conjunct asteroid Ambrosia, the food of the gods that confers immortality. This full Moon is the honey that will help soothe that sore throat we got from singing our heads off at the January 11 New Moon in the Lyre. If we have had our heart or pocket burnt by a trickster then we may be tempted to withdraw back into our crib and self medicate with tubs of ice-cream (or worst..). But this moon will not allow you to indulge for too long, there are an abundance of aspects to the Full Moon sweet enough to lure you away from the comfiest of sofas.

Full Moon Aspects

The Moon aspects form part of a complex aspect pattern known as “The Cradle” in esoteric astrology, which links together two minor grand trines with Jupiter sextile Uranus forming the base of the cradle. “If something unpleasant approaches, this person can just switch over and is suddenly protected by an invisible wall from criticism or attack. It reflects others opinions back to them like a mirror and appears untouched by them” [1] This is interesting since another name for Praesaepe is “The Crib”. The constellation Cancer where this star cluster resides is also regarded as “The Gate of Men” where souls descended from heaven into their human bodies. The sign Cancer is associated with mothering, the womb and her nurturing breasts which are also relevant to this full Moon.
Moon sextile Jupiter “These people will always support their roots though, no matter how far afield they voyage…Jupiter licentiousness and lunar bad habits can spill over into drug or sexual abuse, either given or received, but generally Moon sextile Jupiter is luxuriant, erotic, sensual and has a huge appetite for sex.”
Full Moon January 2013Moon trine Uranus “brings an abundance of radical and innovative energy into the public eye. The trine energy brings to fruition personal freedom, revolution and electric genius…. Even though this is supposedly harmonious trine energy, we still get some challenge with this aspect. Having such strong courage of ones convictions will often provoke criticism, fear and even envy from the establishment.”
Moon sextile Jupiter speaks of indulgence and lapping up the ambrosia but also warns of fixating onto the halcyon days of childhood. Moon trine Uranus however pulls us out of the rut of being stuck in negative infantile behaviour patterns.

Full Moon Meaning

There is symbolism for this Moon being some sort of a birth canal. But there is also a strong theme of ambrosia, honey and the connection between the mother through the breast milk. Praesaepe gives ” a craving for and abuse of stimulants, luxury foodstuffs, narcotic, drugs and heavy smoking.” [2]. Babies crave the sweet milk of the mother, which is their ambrosia. Our craving for comforting drugs transports us back into that symbiotic, at-one-with-the-universe feeling. Mother = Matter. Sucking a cigarette, like sucking the nipple, brings us back to that blissful cradled state.
Jupiter Sextile Uranus is the base of the Cradle and fuses this whole complex aspect pattern together, it is the key to avoiding the pitfalls of this comforting crib. Since the cradle forms a kind of interface between between life and death, it also connects us with our dream world. So it is a portal to other dimensions. In the cradle we are trusting and believe in good in all things, the problem is being too naive and clinging to its protection too tightly. The challenge for us all as human beings is to take off our crabby shells and stop relying on “Big Mummy”, the state, to support or protect us. Conversely the Cradle is asking us to have faith in a non-established, non-material form of support. Jupiter Sextile Uranus is the creative merging of science and spirituality it “has such a natural exuberance and zest for life that it attracts luck and positive energy to it constantly. This aspect thrives on change, novelty and new inventions.”
This is a potentially a very soothing, loving balm of a Full Moon. The aspect pattern of the cradle is like a sponge that absorbs mankind’s negativity, reflects it back to us in such a way that we do not get defensive or frightened, but actually can see what we need to work on. This is the “good cop”, the tactful nurse and the patient teacher. We find ourselves coerced out of bad behaviour because there is the promise of the pot of Ambrosia at the end of it.

Star Praesaepe & Asteroid Ambrosia

Praesaepe is technically a star cluster that the ancient Chinese named ” The spirit of the ancestors.” The cradle aspect pattern shows there is spiritual sustenance to be gained from past generations here. Since Praesaepe is “The Hive” and Ambrosia is closely related to the gods other favourite food nectar, honey is a great symbol too. Ambrosia promises ageless immortality to those who partake of it. Ambrosia is fragrant and like honey is often used to mask the bitter taste of medicine or smooth away the rough edges of life. Honey is also anti-septic and fermented honey known as Mead was regarded as an entheogen in the Aegean world before alcohol was used. The connection of honey with immortality is interesting since the use of “Royal Jelly” in modern times is regarded as an anti-aging treatment. Ambrosia’s general meaning is simply something pleasant to taste or smell, but going deeper we find that this honey is associated with enlightenment and creating your own bliss through meditation.
full-moon-january- leo

From “The opiate substance secreted from the pineal gland during Samadhi has been variously called Nectar of the Gods, ambrosia, amrita…Gurus like Sai Baba claim to materialize amrita and can shaktipat others into generating their own nectar. It is said that to experience amrita is to be bestowed with immortality, that is to be freed from the cycle of birth and death…hence liberated.This secretion gives one the experience of Timelessness, and being a divine God or Goddess. It is “sweet” in taste and in sensation–it is described as nectar, honey, gold dust, euphoric, ecstatic, intoxicating and gives the feeling of being imbued with holiness.”
We have had some intense eclipses, harsh moons and the Jupiter/Lilith Yod that have left us rather battered and bruised at the end of 2012, not least the fall-out from 2012s Uranus square Pluto hits. I guess by now, there are a few people left reeling from what did, or did NOT happen on December 21 2012. This Full moon then is just what the doctor ordered, here to mop up the carrot-spewed remnants of the 2012 New Years party. The Sabian symbol of this Full Moon is “A Communist Activist Spreading his revolutionary ideals”. This speaks of an old order having to make way for a new dynamic youth, reflecting the exciting Moon trine Uranus energy. Obviously this is the start of the year too so we are feeling that new fresh 2013 air breezing into our consciousness with the hope of the new. Before we can illuminate and start working with these new insights, the Sabian symbol reminds us that there may be a stage of chaos where the old “cronies” need to be removed quite forcibly. The “cronies” maybe infantile behaviour that has been inherited from past generations. But don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, these traits can be replaced by others from your more wiser elders. One doesn’t need to disinherit the whole family, just weed out the bad apples.

Full Moon Keywords

Rebooting, cleansing balms, honey-traps, anti-aging treatments, eternal youth, natures remedies, clearing the decks, prepping the ground, fertilising, soothing, tact, cutting-the-umbilical, carrot in front of the donkey, motivation, deferred gratification, weeding out the “cronies” to make room for fresh growth, appreciating ones inheritance, keeping the family connection, ditching bad traits, “a spoon full of honey makes the medicine go down”, mothering, nursing, “Good Cops”, fresh air, new insights, innovative energy, provoking criticism, challenging the establishment, replacing the old guard, renovation, defying time, timelessness, a radical new production of an old classic.
Home > Moon Phases 2013 > New Moon January 2013.
1.Aspect pattern Astrology. Bruno & Louise Huber. p.171 2.Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.44.

VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter

January 9, 2013

Code of Ethics for Teachers of Wicca

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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

Code of Ethics for Teachers of Wicca

Below is a code of ethics for teachers of Wicca.
This article may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, providing that this original copyright notice stays in place at all times. Permission for commercial, or periodical publications shall be granted through the author at
© 2002 Brian M. Walsh
A Code Of Ethics for Teachers of the Wicca

All initiations, previous experience and group affiliations to be made known to your students.

Before beginning training tell your student you don't know everything about the subject, but are willing to refer them on to another person if you don't have the personal expertise.

Tell your student of your personal beliefs, teaching what you know but also emphasising Paganism is about personal spirituality and that they must find their own truth.

Students should be of legal age (i.e. 18) or have parental permission. This does not exclude passing on basic information of religious beliefs to minors.

All theoretical information should be supported by ritual demonstration.

All lessons must be preprepared by reading up on the area to be teached about, decide how you're going to present this information for the easiest understanding of the individual student and make notes to be given to the student.

There is to be a nominal fee for teaching to cover ritual supplies and fluctuates depending on the student. It is at the discretion of the teacher if they choose to loan books or give supplies from their personal collection.

All teachers must continue their own education also. It is impossible to know everything.

Do not proselytise. All students must seek out their teacher.

You do not take on more than 4 students at a time per mentor.

Students can be taught on an individual basis or in a teaching circle.

Students should be told if the training would not lead to initiation.

You respect the confidentiality of your own students first and foremost but also respect the confidentiality of group members, other Pagans and clients for whom you perform the Occult arts.

The only time that confidentiality is broken is if you feel that the person is a danger either to themselves or to others in a physical or mental way.

A teacher must never have a sexual relationship with their student. It destroys the power balance and has led to much disrepute in the communities both inside and outside the Pagan paths. If relations occur between the teacher and student, a new teacher must be found for that student.

Teaching is to be given on a mentor basis, the teacher adapting for each student.

A student can be rejected and all psychic links can be broken if they use the magickal arts outside the restraints of the magickal law of "harm none".

A list of the code of teaching ethics is given to the student to show your position on various issues. This is to be kept and training can be broken by either parties, but a reason should be given out of courtesy.

Note: Many teachers ask the students to draw up a corresponding Students code of ethics to show commitment.
A good teacher:
  • Teaches spiritual as well as magickal aspects of Paganism
  • Encourages healing magick
  • Has a well-balanced life. If they can't have a balanced life they can hardly teach a balanced method of magick.
  • Is willing to teach differently for each student.
  • Encourages practice as well as theoretical teachings
  • Welcomes questions and is willing to admit when they don't know
  • Networks with other Pagans and groups, being able to refer you on when they are not proficient in the area of Paganism you are seeking to explore.
© Brian M. Walsh 2002 as a brief to all students in Pagan and Magickal training.

Next: Protection Spell

VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter