| June 2009 | I TAKE THE VOW | How can we make the world a better place? Deepak Chopra discusses what we can do individually and collectively to bring about a positive tranformation in the world. More. . . | | EVENTS | ANH Events The Convergence of the Heart of Heaven with the Heart of Earth, Human Forum in Guatemala, 3-5 September, 2009. More. . . A thematic Forum on the Global Environment, Human Consciousness and the Media takes place in 2009 in Oxford. Global Human Forum in San Diego: Read the latest update. . . | | IN BRIEF | Ducks don't do anger Ducks fight over a piece of bread and then they just swim away. It's not that anger is all wrong, it can be the expression of a passion for justice. But anger can also cause tremendous damage and hurt; it is described as a single match that can burn an entire forest. Read the whole article on Intent.com Active Resistance to Propaganda Fashion designer Vivienne Westwood has written a manifesto which claims to ". . .penetrate to the root of the human predicament and offer the underlying solution." It reveals that in the pursuit of art the artlover becomes resistant to propaganda. The manifesto has been read all over the world and was dramatised by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2008. More. . . Microbusiness helps women weather crisis in Peru Microenterprise is an escape valve for social tension at times of crisis, and microbusinesses do a better job of weathering the storm than bigger companies because they are used to overcoming difficulties – a positive effect that is further multiplied when it involves women. Full story on IPSnews.net Not just another slum Beat the odds: that was what the residents of El Monarca decided to do, in order to turn their informal settlement on the outskirts of the Uruguayan capital into a real neighbourhood, with all the necessary infrastructure and services. Full story on IPSnews.net Living my Truth Ten months ago Mark Boyle decided to live without oil. Three weeks into his experiment he began to realise just how addicted to oil, and the products of oil, we have become. Full story on Resurgence.org What are the top ten positive emotions? Dr Barbara Fredrickson has proved that positive emotions help us to flourish. So what are the top ten positive emotions and how can we experience them more often? Read the whole article on Intent.com Nine spiritual ways to be green You already recycle, turn your waste into compost and all your lightbulbs are low-energy. Ever feel like there might be something. . . deeper you could be doing? Read the whole article on Intent.com | | | In Gratitude In the brief life of our Alliance for a New Humanity, there have been several turning points in the history of the organization. Some of these carry a greater level of significance than others. 2003 will always be known as the year of Beginning, when a conversation became an entity; 2005, the year of Renaissance, when the entity found a voice; and now, 2009, the year of Transition, when the voice takes on new dimensions. Within transition lies great opportunity for growth and creativity built upon the devoted participation and contribution by Chairman, Roberto Savio and CEO, Jorge Colmenares. Please participate in these transitions within ANH by reading a letter written by Deepak Chopra and Roberto Savio. We wish to express deep gratitude to everyone who contributed to our recent fundraising initiative. So many people contributed. Some through donations and others, through offering their time, skills and passion. The spirit of the Alliance is a collective representation of your participation within a vision. Sharing your donations, time, skills, ideas, passion and determination enables us to move forward, engage more spirit and build upon that spirit. We encourage your full participation within this organization! Please share your ideas, your feedback, your passion with us; share stories of change, introduce us to initiatives of purpose, and organizations with great vision. Thank you for bringing such fullness to The Alliance for a New Humanity. "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. . . It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melodie Beattie With love, The Alliance for a New Humanity www.anhglobal.org TRANSFORM – BE THE CHANGE | May's Be the Change event in New York turned global as people from all over the world – from Canada to India – joined in via a live webstream. Alison Rose Levy's glowing report in the Huffington Post says that the event gave people new hope that they too could make a difference. "Deepak invited the assembly in the packed church to share their own stories of activism with each other. "The more we share our stories of change, the more we have the possibility of reaching critical mass," he said. As people turned around in their pews and dialogued with their neighbors, an exhilaration filled the air. 'Yes, we can!' is not a one-time slogan, but a daily reminder and renewal for the work ahead." More. . . Children's behaviour was one of the themes from the evening, with Deepak Chopra saying: "We can't change children's behavior by educating them. The only way to change your child's behavior is to change your own behavior." KarmaTube.org asks why is it that certain behaviors deemed tolerable in adults are suddenly shocking when exhibited by children? Their Children See, Children Do video prompts us to reconsider our responsibility to our children and to ourselves. More. . . What could you do with $20,000 to make the planet greener? SunChips and National Geographic have joined forces to create the Green Effect, an initiative to inspire individuals to spark a green movement in their communities. Submit a description of your Green Effect idea by June 8, 2009 and you or your group could be one of ten finalists who will be awarded $20,000 to make their idea happen. More. . . "The goals of creating a better world for all clearly cannot be reached with today's urban-industrial lifestyles or with existing material-financial aspirations," writes Ashok Khosla on the ANH site. "Today the environmental movement is at the forefront of the fight to redesign our consumption patterns and production systems. But that is not enough. It is those who are sensitive to the impacts of our lifestyles on our humanity who must ultimately take the lead. The job of ANH is to bring such insights – from traditional, indigenous wisdom to modern, science-base humanism – into the equation." More. . . Check out the Transform area of the website. . . To contribute to the Transform element: transform@anhglobal.org To learn more about the Be the Change program: bethechange@anhglobal.org | SERVE – MAKE A DIFFERENCE | For almost three decades, John Francis has been a planetwalker, traveling the globe by foot and sail with a message of environmental respect and responsibility (for 10 of those years without speaking). "How could that be?" he asks, "How could doing such a simple thing like walking and not talking make a difference?" Watch this funny, thoughtful talk with occasional banjo, presented by TED.com and find out. More. . . Art Studio provides a safe, creative location for teaching artists working with urban youth in holistic art education programs that assist in career development. "We know that art changes lives for the better. By integrating age appropriate curriculums as project themes for mural painting, visual arts, photography, writing & spoken word, multi-media and publishing projects the students are inspired to excel." More. .. . Gardens of Gratitude transformed the Westside of Santa Monica into an edible oasis last month, when volunteers came together to create 100 edible gardens in a single weekend. They also created a whole new community as new friendships reclaimed the neighbourhood. But as Daryn Kagan says, this is a miracle we can recreate in our own neighbourhoods. It's time to sow some seeds! More. . . Check out the Serve area of the website. . . To learn more about Make a Difference: makeadifference@anhglobal.org | CONNECT – SHARE YOUR PASSION | Last month we featured Global Spirit the unique 'internal travel' series on Link.tv that brings to light spiritual, mental and physical practices that help us to define who we are as human beings, our relationships to others — and to the world at large. The next program, The Spiritual Quest, which was made with the support of ANH and other partners, draws on personal experience and expert guests' extensive knowledge of various religious traditions, to illuminate the individual and universal dimensions of the Spiritual Quest. More. .. . Watch the Spiritual Quest online here on 4th June, and then join us here for a dialogue with other ANH members about the film. Esref Armagan, an artist born without eyes, has confounded scientists by his ability to draw in perspective and paint in colour by touch alone. "No-one can call me blind," he says. "I can see more with my fingers than sighted people can see with their eyes." More. . . "A blessing is the bridge between heaven and earth": ANH member Ivan Scharbrough has just uploaded a movingly beautiful and inspirational video called The Gentle Art of Blessing which draws on writings by Pierre Pradervand, Sasha T Moore, and Understanding Oneness. More. . . When ANH member Aurora Carlson received the recent email from Deepak Chopra calling for contributions to support the Alliance, she had the inspired idea to create an ANH Generosity Exchange. Her suggestion has provoked a very active dialogue on the ANH Forum. Read the responses and share your thoughts. . . If you want to Make a Difference, start a group in your community today! To learn how to begin, and discover the tools and support we can offer, walk through our Group Kit and get started! Check out the Connect area of the website. . . To learn how you can start a group in your community: groups@anhglobal.org For more information about our Human Forums: humanforum@anhglobal.org | | | MISSION STATEMENT | Our mission is to connect people, who, through personal and social transformation, aim to build a just, peaceful, and sustainable world, reflecting the unity of all humanity. | Address: Alliance for a New Humanity, 400 Calle Calaf, PMB 460, suite 233, San Juan, PR, 00918, Puerto Rico | | |
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