
November 21, 2009

The 7 Essential Universal Laws

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1. The Law of Attraction

The ‘Law of Attraction’ states that whatever is broadcast out into the universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that are of an equal frequency, resonance, or vibration.
The Law of Attraction delivers both what is wanted and what is unwanted depending on the signal we send out to the Universe.

You attract what you are and that which you concentrate upon. If you are feeling negative emotions, you draw in and experience negativity. If you are feeling positive emotions, you draw in and experience positive life experiences. You can attract to you only those qualities you possess. So, if you want freedom and joy in your life, you must feel what it already feels like to feel freedom and joy in your life right now.

2. The Law of Deliberate Creation.

The Law of Deliberate Creation: That which I give thought to, I begin to attract. What I give thought to with emotion, I attract more quickly.

That which you think about, you get. When you give thought to something you desire with an expectation or believe in it, you are then in the place to receive it.

The difference between the Law of Attraction and the Law of Deliberate Creation is that, the Law of Attraction is like a boomerang. Whatever we give out with our energy vibrations (thoughts, feelings, etc) we will receive back to us. The Law of Deliberate Creation is offering a vibration knowingly, so that you don’t create by default. Most of the time, unless you are aware of these laws, you are offering a vibration unknowingly.

3. The Law of Allowing.

The Law of Allowing: This is the principle of least action, of no resistance.

“I am that which I am. While I am that which I am, I allow others to be that which they are.”

If you can accept, and not just tolerate another person’s difference and similarities, then you understand the Law of Allowing.

4. The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance
The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance: You have everything within you right now to make your life a living dream.

The truth is we are completely abundant and are able to create whatever we desire. The truth is that we live in a world where, spiritually and energetically speaking, there is an unlimited supply of goods.

5. The Law of Pure Potentiality

The fifth essential Universal Law is the Law of Pure Potentiality.

This law is based on the fact that the true essence of who we are is pure consciousness. The Source of all creation is pure consciousness, or pure potentiality, seeking to express itself into form. When we realize that our inner being, the Spirit that animates our minds and bodies, is one of pure potentiality, we are then in alignment with the power that manifests everything in the Universe. Anything is possible and there is unlimited creativity.

As we learned in the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance, the Universe knows no limits. The potential of the Universe and everything in it is unlimited. The only limits are the ones we impose through our fears, doubts, uncertainty, lack of faith, lack of confidence, or any other lower level emotion.

If you feel limits in your life, your Ego will feel fear and desire things that will make you feel “free”, such as money, prestige, and power.

6. The Law of Detachment

The Law of Detachment says “in order to acquire anything in the physical Universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it.”

It is all about trust. When we are in a state of detachment, we trust. To be detached from the outcome of a result means that you have learned to trust.

7. The Law of Polarity

The seventh essential Universal Law is the Law of Polarity. This law states that “Unity is plural at a minimum of two.” In the duality that exists there are two poles, or opposites, of everything. Polarity represents the two extremes of one “thing” which is the same thing. For example, temperature has polarity evidenced by hot at one extreme and cold at the other extreme. The temperature “thing” is the same “thing” and it is evidenced by two poles, or opposites, or extremes – hot and cold. Along this same “thing” degrees measure the perception of the attitude of the individual to what is considered hot and what is considered cold. Hot and cold mean different things to different people – so does rich and poor, love and hate, good and bad, etc.

What is important in understanding the Law of Polarity is the ability to understand the power of transformation. By choosing to change your perception and your resulting attitude you can shift your perception of someone or something from, say, “bad” to “good”. This becomes your new reality now. By seeking a higher frequency vibration of energy in this transformation process the previous lower frequency of vibration of energy gets replaced. “Bad” can become “Good”, as an example. The choice made, the decision implemented automatically involves the Law of Cause and Effect – reaping what you sow – depending on the choice made in your responses. You can raise your vibrations and positively change others.

~ by playingechoes on November 6, 2009.


Note: Take it for what it is worth. You must seek your own truth, what has a ring to it and echoes in your heart! ~Peta-de-Aztlan~

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