
December 7, 2010

"Power of One" Special Edition December 7, 2010 ~ New Message from Veronica

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Power of One

"In the current culture much is made of all the negativity. Enactments of hate, lies, and unbalance are fairly the standard moment in most environments.

If you find yourself surrounded in a negative place it is important to seek balance within yourself.

We realize that most of you do not know where to begin to create that moment. It all starts within this clarity of balance that will create a positive harmony. Being constantly bombarded with darkness, it may seem impossible to find the light of day.

Each breath that you take can be another step towards joy. Of course outside influences are difficult to ignore but the alternative is dire to the core of your soul.

Each day face the negative with the assurance of the joy of your soul. If it is buried then dig deeply to find it. Do not allow the dark energy to defeat your perspective.

Some of you are fairly entrenched in the negativity around you. Reverse that process by finding one thing to be joyful about. You might not have to dig as deeply as you think.

Separate from all the propaganda seeded with fear. It will feed upon itself until it overcomes you.

Knowingly set it aside. Find the positive in the sea of darkness. Refuse to join the negative grouping of energy.

The power of your own energy will aid you. Spirit will extend its love in your direction. Say no to fear and negativity. Participate from a bright perspective. It is your only defense in this global moment.

Balance is attainable.

Refuse to be one of the masses.

Be singular and joyful.

It can and will change the world..... one person at a time.

The power of one is more than is known"



I have enjoyed the clarity of your words but earth being conscious has got me stumped. Could you elaborate? ~ Michael

Dear Michael,
The earth is a living being just as you are. The expression and circumstance are different, but the evolvement, spiritualy, is the same.


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