
December 16, 2010

To Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out ~December 16, 2010 by vinyasayogasystem

To Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out

Recording Of Give Peace a Chance. 1969 with Ti...
Image via Wikipedia

Thank-you Tim Leary for clarifying tune in, turn on and drop out in an August 1973 lecture on Psychedelic Salon. This was just after he formed the spiritual league for self discovery. Perhaps the idea is to slow down and absorb more for longer periods of time throughout this current internet/information age in history.

Turn On – to harness these inner possibilities of an expanded, ever aware, present and compassionate conscious contact with the infinite.

Tune In – to harness it’s energy back in service of the higher good through works of art, music, writing, philanthropy, inventing, sharing, discussions on harmony and more.

Drop Out – drop out of meaningless activities. Most people are involved with assembly line like lives. Detach from this by dropping out but drop out of the meaningless and tune in to the productive. Look carefully at the robot aspects of our society and get more involved with in the culture in a basic, tribal, familial way and see the beauty that surrounds us and is with-in. At this point we begin to recognize that we can co-create.

I started a culture of yogi’s in a studio location designed to help the like-minded to meet up and practice  together in 2000. It was like being asked to play a permanent part in a Hollywood blockbuster about any theme you like with a great many perks including self and professional development. Back when I was learning so much, so fast and with a great deal of enjoyment I got so happy I created a 5 year plan to open 5 more such cultures with little tweaks and continue to learn from them. Although my plan failed, there is a great deal of help that each person can get from high thinking, tribal value and familial culture.

And that’s pretty much why I write, share and communicate in yoga and my fitness classes today. That this kind of culture jamming is very meaningful and fulfilling just by taking the time to listen and hear turn on, tune in and drop out.

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