
October 31, 2012

The Day of the Dead ~By Maria DeSimone

Maria DeSimone Maria DeSimone on the topics of insight, halloween, astrology
The Day of the Dead
Oct 31, 2012 ~

You might say I have an unusual circle of friends. I may talk to planets, but my friends? Well, they talk to spirits. It's uncanny but true: Everyone in my close social circle happens to talk to dead people for a living. No, I'm not visiting my buddies at the local Looney Bin -- I can assure you these are an extremely sane group of women. They are healers. They are psychics. They are mediums. In fact, they are the most well renowned psychic mediums of our time.

As we approach All Soul's Day, celebrated in the Christian religion on November 2 to honor loved ones who have passed, I thought it might be interesting to discuss the Astrology of dead people … and those who communicate with them.

Halloween is believed to be the one evening of the year when the veil between the physical and spirit realm is at its thinnest. This makes it a perfect time to get insight from a Celtic Cross Tarot reading. And also, on Halloween it's said to be easy to communicate with the spirit world.  Personally, I think this is a silly notion, because if you spend enough time around mediums, you know that the dead are pretty much on call 24/7.

All Soul's Day, on the other hand, is a Christian holiday, where we pray for and honor those who have departed the physical world. You might also hear this holiday referred to as The Day of the Dead. My Nonna (Italian for grandmother) freaked out many years ago when she discovered that I was to marry on this very day. She pleaded: "Maria, no! You can't get married on Il Giorno dei Morti, it's bad luck!" I didn't listen to Nonna. Yikes! Maybe I should have … but that's another story.

Nebulous Neptune lifts the veil

Let's get back to this notion of a "veil" that separates the physical and non-physical world. Astrologically, the veil is ruled by Neptune. Neptune is the planet of spirituality -- the misty ball that transcends boundaries and helps connect us to the divine. Neptune, Pisces and the 12th house in a birth chart are all intuitive hot spots. If you have any of these placements strong in your chart you're probably familiar with the feeling of walking that line between psychic sensitivity and insanity.

Often, it is a fine line because the psychic impressions can be overwhelming at times. Neptunian people are open antennae, and in the charts of psychics there is usually a strong Neptunian component.  These are the people who feel your pain and suffering. These are the psychic empaths of the zodiac.

You don't have to be a medium to be a psychic, but you do have to be a psychic to be a medium. Think about it -- this does make sense. You don't have to be a surgeon to be a doctor … but you must be a doctor first before you specialize and become a surgeon. That's what a medium is like -- a specialized surgeon in the psychic world.

In order to be a medium, you need more than a strong Neptune. You need Pluto and Uranus. You see, all of the outer planets play a role. Pluto is the heavy hitter becaues this planet, along with the sign Scorpio and the 8th house, rules the occult and, specifically, mediumship. Scorpio is said to be the most psychic sign of the zodiac because Scorpios … well, they just know. They have an ability to dig underneath the surface and straight into your soul like no other, thanks to being ruled by Pluto, the planet of depth. The planet that loves to probe into the darkness and expose the monsters. Or the spirits.

Scorpio's sixth sense

It's no accident that Halloween and All Soul's Day fall each year when the Sun travels through Scorpio. Perhaps this is why Halloween has the reputation for being so spooky. Scorpio is the one sign who will look a ghost in the face, and if the ghosts are said to be all over during these days, well then, Scorpio is the one to handle it!
Mediums will have a strong Plutonian, 8th house or Scorpio signature in their chart. This helps them to sense the presence of dead people. But what about communicating with them?

I find this is often the domain of Uranus. You might think of Uranus as the planet of innovation and eccentricity. This is the planet of revolution and everything that is ahead of our time. But did you know Uranus is the "higher octave" of Mercury? If Mercury is the planet of communication and Uranus is the higher octave of communication, then it stands to reason that Uranian people are able to communicate on a more sophisticated vibrational plane than the rest of us "ordinary folk."

Uranus rules electromagnetic waves and frequencies that the mere human can't detect. Radio waves, planetary vibrations, angels and guides and, yes, the voice of a spirit.  Invariably, I find that mediums have a strong Uranus in their chart because this aspect helps them to communicate at that higher vibrational frequency. The mediums I know who can hear the spirits most clearly have Uranus connected to Mercury or an angle on their chart. I call it the "talking to dead people aspect."

Spirit communication gets real this year

This year, it's interesting to note that Saturn is in Scorpio during Halloween and All Soul's Day. Saturn is also at a supportive sextile to Pluto. These two planets also happen to align in a rare pattern called a mutual reception throughout 2015. In a mutual reception two planets are in the sign of the other's rulership. It's a configuration that adds strength and affinity. Saturn in Scorpio connected to Pluto in Capricorn may help all of us get real about spirit communication and overcome any fear or feeling that this is taboo witchcraft once and for all.

Another interesting link this year is between Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. There's an almost magical quality of support to the collective karma that suggests it's time to overcome the fear of the unknown. I'm sure you can feel it -- I know I can. In many ways, this cosmic shift can help all of us become more comfortable with our intuition.

If you've had experiences of after-death communication, perhaps you'll harness this energy of Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune and Saturn sextile Pluto to help ground your abilities. You can accomplish this in many ways, such as through psychic development classes or spiritual studies. I feel strongly that one of the greater cosmic messages between Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces is about moving past the fear and taboo associated with lifting that veil and trusting our intuition.

In any event, this year as you prepare to celebrate Halloween, All Soul's Day or both, I hope you remember that your departed loved ones are busy in the spiritual world celebrating you and the connection that you share. Trust me; it's a bond that will never break.

Comment: My Birthday is November 15th of 1951.

VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter

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