
March 12, 2008

Incredible Horizons: New Brain Research

Incredible Horizons: New Brain Research

Brain Plasticity-
The good news is that: The brain is can repair itself through specific appropriate input through
the senses.
If you feel like you have "faulty wiring", we can help your brain function more efficiently.

Scientists apply the term neuro-plasticity or brain plasticity to the action of brain growth and adaptation
in response to challenge
. Advanced Brain Technologies views the brain as being malleable and plastic.
As it receives specific appropriate input through the senses, with appropriate frequency, intensity and duration the brain physically changes its structure. This structural change takes place through the growth of pathways between the brain cells (neurons). Once the structure of the brain changes the function of the human being begins to change. Therefore, brain structure determines the level of
human function. The neurosciences provide us with research that proves this correct. (Advanced Brain Technologies has designed The Listening Program, Brain Builder, and the Sound Health Series that
we use and promote in our center.)

Unique Logic and Technologies (creator of our neuro-educational feedback system) teaches that provided the correct challenge and environment, children and adults frequently compensate (shift brain function from one area to another) when a certain area of the brain cannot function correctly. It is documented in many medical and neurological journals that the brain will increase activity in another region to overcome loss of another region. UCLA pediatric neurologist Dr. Donald Shields states, "If there's a way to compensate, the developing brain will find it”. There is no question that the brain can compensate even if it has problems focusing attention. However, it has to be provided the correct environment prompting challenge. These concepts change old thinking in several areas of brain development.

Our products produce better grades with less effort for every subject the rest of their life

Old Thinking

Early childhood experiences have little impact on later development

Brain development is linear: the brain’s capacity to learn and change grows steadily as an infant matures into adulthood

The genes that you are born with determine how your brain develops

A toddler’s brain is much less active than the brain of a college student

New Thinking

Early experiences have a decisive impact on the architecture of the brain & the nature and extent of adult capacities

Brain development is non-linear: there are optimum times for acquiring different kinds of knowledge and skills

Brain development is dependant on the interplay between the genes that you were born with and the experiences that you have.

By the age of three, their brains are twice as active as those of an adult. Activity drops off in adolescence.

A secure relationship with primary caregiver creates a favorable context for development and learning

Brain growth and development lessens with age

Early interactions not only create the context, they directly affect the way the brain is “wired”

The brain grows and continues development through death- provided the right conditions are met.

Science has repeatedly demonstrated that the brain can change and grow given the right learning tools and environment. Our programs are founded in educational cognitive psychology to provide the correct environment and challenge.Get Attention strives to provide the very best learning tools for the creation
of a success based environment that will facilitate the maximization of personal potential.
Our products from Unique Logic and Technology and Advanced Brain Technologies are only some of the products that use this research for training. Our cognitive training and light and sound manufactures have also built their products based on plasticity research.

As recently as twenty years ago, scientists believed that the genes we were born with wholly determined the structure of our brains. However, current extensive research performed by scientists worldwide proves that how our brains develop, learn, and grow depends on the vital interaction between nature
and nurture. Nature, or more accurately, genetic endowment, is directly affected by the environment, care, challenges, and teachings received (nurture).

Neural Networks

Learning takes place by construction of new neural networks/pathways. Neural networks are the “whispering” of neurons to each other. Neurons are brain cells that communicate with each other
via an electrochemical process that carries neurotransmitters across the division between the
neurons (the synapse). Our five senses process information (external stimuli) and then select
certain neural connections to become active. In the recent past, scientists believed this network
building or neural activation to be deterministic - the genes you are born with would determine
the networks that could develop. However, it has been proved that activation is a random selection among many possible neural connections that could occur. It is not something that happens by deterministic design.

Brain related research continuously strives to deepen our understanding of brain functions. We have learned that new information (sensory input) enters the brain through preexisting networks, which is why it is imperative to provide challenging stimulation in early childhood. If the input is not new, it can trigger memory. If it is new, it can trigger learning thus creating new pathways. Cognitive psychology refers to this process as constructivism: The learner builds his or her own knowledge on his current knowledge base, but only in response to a challenge and/or new stimulation. It is evident that some persons are not born with the neural networks that facilitate focused attention. Our cognitive training, light and sound and neurofeedback programs are designed to directly challenge users to build new neural networks necessary for optimum performance.

Our products that improve and spawn neural connections by increasing sensory input are our therapeutic music and light and sound programs. Our nutritional supplement (Attend) naturally
improves the bodies ability to allow smooth, balanced information processing to obtain a focused attention and improved concentration. Attend also helps increase the flow of nutrients, oxygen and energy to the brain. They all have been heavily researched and have a consistent record of accomplishment in aiding their users to accomplish a level of optimum performance.

Neural networks challenged/stimulated through our light and sound equipment, can enhance physical healing and homeostasis while increasing attentional flexibility. As early as the 1930’s, there was research showing that repetitive pulsing lights and percussive sounds will stimulate and synchronize the hemispheres of the brain. This creates a frequency following response known as entrainment. Through flickering lights and controlled rhythmic tones, we can entrain the brainwave frequencies into desired states of consciousness. With the relief of tension or resistance in the mind/body, the user becomes receptive to information and the ability to process and recall it. Once the balancing and stress reducing effects of the equipment become engrained, a user can then proceed to special applications
to facilitate increased attention and concentration. Then learning rates and mental abilities frequently increase.

Link to our home programs that help rebuild the brain
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Vaxa Supplements; the proven power of homeopathy

Click on banner to purchase Vaxa's Attend
Americas most complete supplement for processing, memory and attention difficulties
Research related to ADHD
Attention requires chemical balance, a focused brain state, and adequate processing skills.
A deficiency in any of those areas will create a lack of attention.

12/03-Update-New Research has found physical markers in biochemical balance
Some exciting recent research is beginning to uncover the biochemical and genetic changes
found in ADHD and brain dysfunction:

Low Neurotransmitters. According to a fascinating new theory from evolutionary medicine
called the "reward deficiency syndrome," due to genetic defects some people do not produce
sufficient neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine, in response to pleasure drives for eating,
love, and reproduction. As a result they seek dopamine release and sensations of pleasure via
junk foods and drugs, such as sugar, alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, nicotine,
marijuana, and by compulsive activities, such as gambling, eating, sex, and risk taking
behaviors (Comings et al. 2000). Other researchers support this theory, noting low levels of
serotonin are linked to ADHD and are associated with increased aggression in humans and
other animals (Mitsis et al. 2000). As we'll see below, nutritional and wellness strategies to
increase these neurotransmitter levels naturally offer attractive treatment options for ADHD.

Genetic Defects. Following the rewards deficiency syndrome theory and the fact that stimulant medications act primarily by altering levels of dopamine, numerous genetic studies of ADHD have looked at defects in genes that control dopamine receptors. One allele of the dopamine D2 receptor gene is associated with alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, obesity, compulsive gambling, and
several personality traits (Comings et al. 2000). Other researchers support these findings,
suggesting that defects in dopamine receptors genes are implicated in ADHD (Sunohara et al. 2000).

The only way to actually increase the level of neurotransmitters in patients suffering from neurotransmitter deficiency disease is by giving them the amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs to build neurotransmitters. Unlike neurotransmitters these things cross freely into the
brain where the body converts them to neurotransmitters and actually increases the over all level of neurotransmitters in the deficient system. It is not possible to correct this by diet alone. The perfect
diet for building neurotransmitters would involve eating protein in the amount found in 35 ounces of
red meat each day or 18 eggs. 35 ounces of meat has 2,440 calories and would never keep a
140-pound female at 140 pounds. So we look to nutritional supplements for help.

Our neuro-supplement Balance Formula 1 is the perfect supplement to help with this. Our entire
product line is based on improving the basic functions of the brain. Improving the neuro-network
and providing better neurotransmissions will increase the brains power to optimize performance
and/or heal itself. Most of our products do this through stimulating new neuropathways.

Balance Formula 1 provides a way to improve or speed up that process.
It provides the nutrients
that smooth out the functions of the brain for an overall sense of well being.

Dr. Allerton recognized that in order for the brain to function properly and for the neurotransmitters
in the brain to receive messages, the hypothalamus must be working correctly. It was his feeling that this was the cause of most of the so-called ADD, ADHD, compulsive behaviors, stress related anxiety, etc that was going on.

If you are at a stand still or plateau with other therapies-ie. ABA, Floortime etc.-You have probably benefited all you can from that therapy until you improve how the brain actually functions. Programs
like ABA and floortime can only be as effective as the current neurological construct allows them to be. The neuro-technology aspect of DLS Tomatis' will improve neurological functioning of the brain thus, maximizing the ability to learn. Furthermore, DLS Tomatis has proven itself to be the most refined and efficient Tomatis based program in today's market.

Brain state research for the attentionally challenged

Every thought, feeling, sensation, and level of awareness has a corresponding brain wave pattern. There are brainwaves that are considered slow brainwaves such as Delta, Theta, and Alpha and fast brainwaves’ like SMR and Beta. Here is a chart of to help explain brainwaves.

Frequency of Mental States Description of

Brainwave States Brainwaves


DELTA: Sleep The ‘Sleep’ State

0.5-3(cps)cycles per second

THETA: Inner reflection w/o much atten- The ‘Tuned-Out’

4-7 (cps) tion focused on the outside world; Waves

tuned out; drowsy

ALPHA: Resting in a meditative & creative The ‘Daydreaming’

8-11 (cps) state; daydreaming; inattentive Waves


SMR: Calm, not fidgeting, not impulsive, The ‘Calm’ Waves

12-15 (cps) not thinking about bodily sensation;

Often externally aware; quietly alert

BETA: Focused analytical, often externally The ‘Thinker’ Waves

16-20 (cps) oriented, intense thinking/processing

Slow waves indicate daydreaming and fast waves indicate concentration in a normal person. When we are inattentive or daydreaming, our brains produce primarily slower brainwaves like theta and alpha. As we focus on a task like reading or listening, our brain engages and these slow waves ‘drop out’ with brain energy moving to the faster ‘thinker’ waves. Consequently, our brain ‘wakes up’ and becomes activated to process this information. The ADHD brain works differently. Research demonstrates that when an ADHD child tries to concentrate, the brain continues to produce even more slow wave activity leading to a state of under-activation or low arousal.

Have you ever wondered why ADHD children can focus so intently on video games, TV, or things they are interested in, yet cannot focus on their schoolwork? I have. There is a theory called the low arousal theory. The ADHD individual produces excessive levels of Theta or “Slow Brainwave” patterns that act like a fog or filter. High levels of stimulation/physical activity penetrate through the fog activating attention. As a child is engaged in a stimulating activity, like playing a video game, there is enough stimulation present in the activity to penetrate through the slow wave ‘filter’ to activate arousal-directing attention. During a ‘low’ stimulation task like reading, doing homework or chores, there is not as much stimulation coming from the environment. Now there is not enough stimulation present in the activity to penetrate through the slow wave ‘filter’ to activate arousal, so it is almost impossible to direct attention. A low level of stimulation results in boredom. The boredom leads to increased activity.

Children with ADHD are dependent on stimulation from the environment to direct attention – they are unable to self-regulate. If there is not sufficient stimulation present from the environment, these children seeks out or create stimulation around them. The child may become fidgety, restless, get out of their seat, talk to their neighbor…these activities are designed to increase stimulation to break out of this state of low arousal. Neurofeedback can help to actually assist an individual in changing, (controlling) physiological differences found in those suffering from ADD/ADHD.

Everyone experiences this cycle to some degree. Can you recall an experience of eating lunch or dinner, then having to sit in a classroom or attend a meeting? As your metabolism begins to kick in, you get a bit drowsy and begin to daydream. You are beginning to produce more alpha brainwaves. Now as you are forced to sit there, the metabolism kicks in, your eyes become heavy, you are feeling so drowsy it is hard not to fall asleep. You are now producing more theta brainwaves. Because you are so drowsy and drifty, you are not as likely to receive and assimilate this information, as well as when you are in a more alert and wide awake state. You probably want to get up, move around, get a cup of coffee, – and do something to wake up!

This is what happens to the ADHD child. As he sits there in a low stimulation environment, like a classroom, or doing homework or chores, the brain continues to produce slower brainwave activity.
As theta increases, he becomes more inattentive and bored and then begins to self-stimulating.
As the child becomes more fidgety, he/she gets out his/her seat, bothers a classmate – in an attempt
to self-stimulate out of this low aroused state. His/Her brain is under stimulated- so he/she tries to
create more stimulation to wake up!

Neurofeedback is a popular self mastery tool that can help to actually assist an individual in
voluntarily changing, (controlling) physiological differences found in those suffering from
Get Attention programs such as light and sound and therapeutic music help stimulate
and maintain proper brain states for the attentionally challenged. The neurofeedback equipment
can measure or monitor as to whether or not the techniques work for a particular user.
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Vanderbilt study could lead to understanding behavior
By Colleen Creamer,
October 08, 2003

Vanderbilt University researchers have found a part of the brain that monitors the consequences of actions more than the actions themselves, a finding that could improve understanding of impulsive behavior.

The study, published this month in Science magazine, could help doctors understand and treat disorders such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They could also lead to a better understanding of what is now broadly called “poor impulse control,” considered by some scientists to be the root of a certain kind of criminal behavior.

Released, the study shows that a decision-making process in the brain may be more concerned about the consequences of an action than how hard the action is to produce.

The part of the brain in question is the
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC).

Researchers found that part of the brain responds to discrepancies between a person’s intentions and what actually happens when actions are performed.

The outcome is the latest in a series of experiments that may be at the root of understanding how the brain’s “executive function” monitors its own performance so that it can adjust behavior.

Jeffrey Schall, Ingram Professor of Neuroscience and director of Vanderbilt’s Center for Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience, directed the study with doctoral student Shigehiko Ito, post-doctoral fellow Veit Stuphorn, and Joshua Brown, a research associate at Washington University.

“The basic idea is you are asked to do something. In our case it was move the eyes, but it could be press a button or say a word,” Schall said. “You do it and do it and sometimes you are told to stop. You are correct if you withhold the movement. So it is a task that is designed exactly to study the control of actions.”

Using Macaque monkeys and a reward system, Schall and his colleagues required the monkeys to inhibit a movement after their brains had begun preparing for it. The researchers successfully identified neurons that signaled discrepancies or errors but identified no neuron that signaled what the brain meant to do.

Brown said that the end result is what drives the intention.

“The broad question is, ‘How does the brain monitor and control intentional actions.’ Our research indicates that it does so by monitoring the consequences of such actions, not the actions themselves,” Brown said.

One theory suggests the brain is sensitive to the conflict that comes from when a task is too difficult
to perform without making errors. Some people may be more sensitive than other to this conflict and would, therefore, have an advantage in the decision-making process.

For more info on healthy- drug free programs for successful living click on a link below

Incredible Horizons Articles Loop

ADHD / ADD Autism Information Loop

Intro for Parents
Understanding ADD/ADHD
Life and Development with ADHD
Progression of ADHD into adulthood
Treating Attention Problems
Autism Spectrum and TLP

Dietary Needs / Suggestions
Digestive Solutions
ADD / ADHD- The Biochemical Approach
Theanine-A safe & natural substitute for
Ritalin, Adderall etc.

Learning Disabilities and Social Skills

Programs for ADD/ADHD & Autism
Program Suggestions
Rehab for Brain Injury
Auditory Processing Disorder CAPD
Bi-polar Disorder
Adult Optimum Performance
Sensory Integration
Visual Processing Disorders
Dyslexia & TLP
Sharpening the aging mind
Stress Busters
Digestive Solutions
What if I don't know what is wrong?
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