
December 19, 2010

Therapist as Shaman via LA Therapist

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Therapist as Shaman

Shamanism appears to be the earliest form of healing that we are aware of to date. It has existed throughout the world from Russia to Australia, from China to the Americas. Although there is no one explanation as to how shamanism spread throughout the world, the two that are most popular today is that either shamanism began in Siberia and spread, or that it sprang up spontaneously throughout the world. There are common aspects of shamanism found throughout the world. They are findings of teeth, bones, feathers, bird feet, helmets with streamers, skirts with skins, mirrors, crystals, horns, drums, antlers, and statues with toungs that allow researchers to determine whether shamanism existed within a particular society.

The shaman believes that evil spirits cause illness for the body. They believe that they can create magic with their words and ritual actions that can drive the evil spirits from the body. To do this, they must first protect themselves from these spirits, then enter into an altered state of consciousness characterized by a state of ecstasy. They believe they are able to visit three worlds of reality: The Under World that represents terror and power, The Middle World in which they see the spirits of this world among us, and The Upper World that is the world of deities. When Someone claims that they are able to perceive those three worlds, they are having a shamanistic experience.

What distinguishes a shaman from a professional priest or healer, is that he is a part-time practitioner. The training passes down individually from teacher to student. There are no large schools which train people to become a shaman. There are two principal ways for a person to become a shaman. The first way is to be born into a shaman lineage and follow in the footsteps of the ancestors. The second, and most common way, is to experience a calling for the position. A calling is perceived by a series of events recognized by the tribe and the individual. Such events involve: separation, communication with other beings, ecstatic experiences, a sense they are going to be a shaman and the seeking out of a shaman to train with.

Psychotherapists can learn much from the shaman. The Shaman represents a multi-dimensional view of reality. He believes that reality is a creation of the unconscious. As therapists, we too would do well to learn how to embrace a multi-dimensional view of reality. By understanding that there is a conscious and unconscious, as well as the different levels of the unconscious: the world unconscious, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious, we may gain a better insight into the issues of our clients. I have often seen a client's material world appear to match his/her personal outlook on life. By understanding this process, which the shaman seems to know so well, we may be able to help our clients pull themselves out of undesirable real world experiences.

The shaman expands what is and what can be through their and their clients' belief in magic. There are times when therapists encounter patients who are only able to see the world through a lens of black and white. Often, a client may feel that there is no way he will ever be able to change his life. By assisting our clients to view the possibilities of change as the shaman does with his clients, we may be able to help the client break the chains of status quo that binds him to the old and possibly self-destructive ways.

The shaman acknowledges that she is not the one who is creating the change for the client. She is aware that it is a greater force that she can not control, but only influence. We too, must recognize that we are not able to change the client, but can only influence him/her with new out looks and ideas. It is up to the client to accept what is given to her and use it in her life. As therapists, we have no control over the client's unconscious mind. This is a great force over which we have no control. We may be able to assist with some influence, but we must always be as cognizant, as the shaman, that we cannot control it.

The shaman lives in the real world. She holds employment outside the shaministic activities. She does not allow her activities as a shaman to fill her with false pride, or allow her to look down on others with a sense of being superior. It might be easy for some psychotherapists to become filled with a sense of self-importance as they watch their clients improving. These therapists could easily become arrogant and loose touch with empathy for the client. The shaman never forgets that she is a human being and is not above or below the client, but is able to stay in touch with the humanness of herself and the client's. The Shaman works together with the client, as does a psychotherapist. The shaman does not blame herself if a cure does not come forth. The same should hold true for a therapist. If a therapist believes too strongly that she alone is responsible for change in her clients' lives, then she may be setting him or herself up for over-involvement in a client's life and lose her objectivity.

The shaman also protects himself before practicing his trade. So should a therapist. Often therapists neglect to protect themselves from a client's emotional and mental states. Depression and anxiety are two especially contagious emotions. There are times when a therapist comes home from the office, only to find that he is experiencing similar emotions of the client, or they just feel especially drained from a particular patient. Shamans do not feel drained from their work. They do not take on any of the emotional states of the client. Shamans enjoy their work. As therapists, we too need to protect ourselves so we may continue to enjoy our work and recognize the boundary between ourselves and our work, and ourselves and our clients.

As part-item healers, shamans are able to keep their egos separate from the work. Professional therapists have a difficult time keeping their egos out of their work. The part time status of the shaman allows them to deal with the real world. This is the world from where their clients come. It also allows them to perceive themselves as a part of the society and an understanding of the people for whom they perform their work.

Therapists would do well to work part time, or at least have outside hobbies and activities that involve them out side of their careers. By doing so, their chances of defining themselves by their careers and losing perspective life would diminish greatly. They would then be able to maintain and enhance themselves as useful assistants to their clients.

Both shaman and therapists provide their clients with a conceptual framework with which to work. The clients of both come to them often with chaotic and vague distress. Shamans explain to their clients why the client is having the experience, and what they can expect of an outcome. Just knowing these simple "answers" can help a client begin a healing process. As therapists, we too can assist our clients in understanding why something is going on for them and what they can expect. It will help them to conceptualize their distress and give them hope that maybe something can relieve their discomfort. This arouses a hope for cure. Without a hope for cure, the client will probably not want to bother with working on their issues.

In order to arouse this hope for a cure the shaman creates an air of authority through the belief that she is in touch with powerful forces and fosters the belief that she will struggle with the client against the forces that cause her malaise. As psychotherapists, we create our authority through our education and licenses. Knowledge and experience may be viewed as powerful forces that psychotherapists are in touch with. If psychotherapists take an approach similar to the shaman's with their clients, by fostering the belief that they will struggle with the client for change, then maybe that would encourage a closer relationship with the client allowing for depth work to take place.

The shaman elicits vivid emotions in the client. From the shaman's point of view, these emotions are very helpful in the healing process. We can learn from the shaman to remember the important aspect of assisting our clients in experiencing emotions. Psychotherapists assist their clients by leading them into the pain and exploring it. As psychotherapists, we understand the importance of allowing our clients to experience their emotions.

The work of the shaman should serve as a teaching guide to psychotherapists. The shaman reminds us that the work of the mind is as much as an art as a science. It is the art of our work that keeps us in touch with the client. It is the art that sparks our creativity and puts us in touch with our humanity. Like the shaman, we experience a calling that draws us to this profession from somewhere deep in our souls, beyond our physical world at the point where we are aware of our connection to all that exists. If we take nothing else from the shaman, let us take his wisdom that we interconnect with all that exists; and we must work within its laws. Science gives us the tools and knowledge; but art, the art of the shaman, gives us the creativity and understanding to use those tools in a way that can benefit mankind to the depths of his soul.

For more information on Dr. Jim's self-help audios with free samples, log onto  For more information on Dr. Jim, and to obtain free audio affirmations, log onto his website at


December 16, 2010

To Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out ~December 16, 2010 by vinyasayogasystem

To Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out

Recording Of Give Peace a Chance. 1969 with Ti...
Image via Wikipedia

Thank-you Tim Leary for clarifying tune in, turn on and drop out in an August 1973 lecture on Psychedelic Salon. This was just after he formed the spiritual league for self discovery. Perhaps the idea is to slow down and absorb more for longer periods of time throughout this current internet/information age in history.

Turn On – to harness these inner possibilities of an expanded, ever aware, present and compassionate conscious contact with the infinite.

Tune In – to harness it’s energy back in service of the higher good through works of art, music, writing, philanthropy, inventing, sharing, discussions on harmony and more.

Drop Out – drop out of meaningless activities. Most people are involved with assembly line like lives. Detach from this by dropping out but drop out of the meaningless and tune in to the productive. Look carefully at the robot aspects of our society and get more involved with in the culture in a basic, tribal, familial way and see the beauty that surrounds us and is with-in. At this point we begin to recognize that we can co-create.

I started a culture of yogi’s in a studio location designed to help the like-minded to meet up and practice  together in 2000. It was like being asked to play a permanent part in a Hollywood blockbuster about any theme you like with a great many perks including self and professional development. Back when I was learning so much, so fast and with a great deal of enjoyment I got so happy I created a 5 year plan to open 5 more such cultures with little tweaks and continue to learn from them. Although my plan failed, there is a great deal of help that each person can get from high thinking, tribal value and familial culture.

And that’s pretty much why I write, share and communicate in yoga and my fitness classes today. That this kind of culture jamming is very meaningful and fulfilling just by taking the time to listen and hear turn on, tune in and drop out.

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December 13, 2010

Out of Our Brains By ANDY CLARK

December 12, 2010, 3:47 pm

Out of Our Brains

The StoneThe Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers on issues both timely and timeless.

Where is my mind?

The question — memorably posed by rock band the Pixies in their 1988 song — is one that, perhaps surprisingly, divides many of us working in the areas of philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Look at the science columns of your daily newspapers and you could be forgiven for thinking that there is no case to answer. We are all familiar with the colorful “brain blob” pictures that show just where activity (indirectly measured by blood oxygenation level) is concentrated as we attempt to solve different kinds of puzzles: blobs here for thinking of nouns, there for thinking of verbs, over there for solving ethical puzzles of a certain class, and so on, ad blobum. (In fact, the brain blob picture has seemingly been raised to the status of visual art form of late with the publication of a book of high-octane brain images. )

There is no limit, it seems, to the different tasks that elicit subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, different patterns of neural activation. Surely then, all the thinking must be going on in the brain? That, after all, is where the lights are.

As our technologies become better adapted to fit the niche provided by the biological brain, they become more like cognitive prosthetics.
But then again, maybe not. We’ve all heard the story of the drunk searching for his dropped keys under the lone streetlamp at night. When asked why he is looking there, when they could surely be anywhere on the street, he replies, “Because that’s where the light is.” Could it be the same with the blobs?

Is it possible that, sometimes at least, some of the activity that enables us to be the thinking, knowing, agents that we are occurs outside the brain?

The idea sounds outlandish at first. So let’s take a familiar kind of case as a first illustration. Most of us gesture (some of us more wildly than others) when we talk. For many years, it was assumed that this bodily action served at best some expressive purpose, perhaps one of emphasis or illustration. Psychologists and linguists such as Susan Goldin-Meadow and David McNeill have lately questioned this assumption, suspecting that the bodily motions may themselves be playing some kind of active role in our thought process. In experiments where the active use of gesture is inhibited, subjects show decreased performance on various kinds of mental tasks. Now whatever is going on in these cases, the brain is obviously deeply implicated! No one thinks that the physical handwavings are all by themselves the repositories of thoughts or reasoning. But it may be that they are contributing to the thinking and reasoning, perhaps by lessening or otherwise altering the tasks that the brain must perform, and thus helping us to move our own thinking along.

“Brain Cloud (2010)” on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York as part of a show by John Baldessari,Hiroko Masuike for The New York Times“Brain Cloud (2010)” on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York as part of a show by John Baldessari.

It is noteworthy, for example, that the use of spontaneous gesture increases when we are actively thinking a problem through, rather than simply rehearsing a known solution. There may be more to so-called “handwaving” than meets the eye.

This kind of idea is currently being explored by a wave of scientists and philosophers working in the areas known as “embodied cognition” and “the extended mind.” Uniting these fields is the thought that evolution and learning don’t give a jot what resources are used to solve a problem. There is no more reason, from the perspective of evolution or learning, to favor the use of a brain-only cognitive strategy than there is to favor the use of canny (but messy, complex, hard-to-understand) combinations of brain, body and world. Brains play a major role, of course. They are the locus of great plasticity and processing power, and will be the key to almost any form of cognitive success. But spare a thought for the many resources whose task-related bursts of activity take place elsewhere, not just in the physical motions of our hands and arms while reasoning, or in the muscles of the dancer or the sports star, but even outside the biological body — in the iPhones, BlackBerrys, laptops and organizers which transform and extend the reach of bare biological processing in so many ways. These blobs of less-celebrated activity may sometimes be best seen, myself and others have argued, as bio-external elements in an extended cognitive process: one that now criss-crosses the conventional boundaries of skin and skull.

One way to see this is to ask yourself how you would categorize the same work were it found to occur “in the head” as part of the neural processing of, say, an alien species. If you’d then have no hesitation in counting the activity as genuine (though non-conscious) cognitive activity, then perhaps it is only some kind of bio-envelope prejudice that stops you counting the same work, when reliably performed outside the head, as a genuine element in your own mental processing?

Another way to approach the idea is by comparison with the use of prosthetic limbs. After a while, a good prosthetic limb functions not as a mere tool but as a non-biological bodily part. Increasingly, the form and structure of such limbs is geared to specific functions (consider the carbon-fiber running blades of the Olympic and Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius) and does not replicate the full form and structure of the original biological template. As our information-processing technologies improve and become better and better adapted to fit the niche provided by the biological brain, they become more like cognitive prosthetics: non-biological circuits that come to function as parts of the material underpinnings of minds like ours.

Many people I speak to are perfectly happy with the idea that an implanted piece of non-biological equipment, interfaced to the brain by some kind of directly wired connection, would count (assuming all went well) as providing material support for some of their own cognitive processing. Just as we embrace cochlear implants as genuine but non-biological elements in a sensory circuit, so we might embrace “silicon neurons” performing complex operations as elements in some future form of cognitive repair. But when the emphasis shifts from repair to extension, and from implants with wired interfacing to “explants” with wire-free communication, intuitions sometimes shift. That shift, I want to argue, is unjustified. If we can repair a cognitive function by the use of non-biological circuitry, then we can extend and alter cognitive functions that way too. And if a wired interface is acceptable, then, at least in principle, a wire-free interface (such as links your brain to your notepad, BlackBerry or iPhone) must be acceptable too. What counts is the flow and alteration of information, not the medium through which it moves.

When information flows, some of the most important unities may emerge in regimes that weave together activity in brain, body and world.
Perhaps we are moved simply by the thought that these devices (like prosthetic limbs) are detachable from the rest of the person? Ibn Sina Avicenna, a Persian philosopher-scientist who lived between 980 and 1037 A.D, wrote in the seventh volume of his epic “De Anima (Liber de anima seu sextus de naturalibus)” that “These bodily members are, as it were, no more than garments; which, because they have been attached to us for a long time, we think are us, or parts of us [and] the cause of this is the long period of adherence: we are accustomed to remove clothes and to throw them down, which we are entirely unaccustomed to do with our bodily members” (translation by R. Martin). Much the same is true, I want to say, of our own cognitive circuitry.

The fact that there is a stable biological core that we do not “remove and throw down” blinds us to the fact that minds, like bodies, are collections of parts whose deepest unity consists not in contingent matters of undetachability but in the way they (the parts) function together as effective wholes. When information flows, some of the most important unities may emerge in integrated processing regimes that weave together activity in brain, body, and world.

Such an idea is not new. Versions can be found in the work of James, Heidegger, Bateson, Merleau-Ponty, Dennett, and many others. But we seem to be entering an age in which cognitive prosthetics (which have always been around in one form or another) are displaying a kind of Cambrian explosion of new and potent forms. As the forms proliferate, and some become more entrenched, we might do well to pause and reflect on their nature and status. At the very least, minds like ours are the products not of neural processing alone but of the complex and iterated interplay between brains, bodies, and the many designer environments in which we increasingly live and work.

Please don’t get me wrong. Some of my best friends are neuroscientists and neuro-imagers (as it happens, my partner is a neuro-imager, so brain blobs are part of our daily diet). The brain is a fantastic beast, more than worthy of the massive investments we make to study it. But we — the human beings with versatile bodies living in a complex, increasingly technologized, and heavily self-structured, world — are more fantastic still. Really understanding the mind, if the theorists of embodied and extended cognition are right, will require a lot more than just understanding the brain. Or as the Pixies put it:

Where is my mind?

Way out in the water, see it swimming

Andy Clark
Andy Clark is professor of logic and metaphysics in the School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences at Edinburgh University, Scotland. He is the author of “Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again” (MIT Press, 1997) and “Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension” (Oxford University Press, 2008)

December 12, 2010

The Next Paradigm Shift

Intellectually Honest Science
The Next Paradigm Shift

People who are already walking in the light and love of God have as much to gain from this web page as anyone else because this site uncovers the strong delusion that has been at work on us as a species for at least 18,000 years. Our history is complex and so too is the tangled web of deception that has been so patiently woven in hopes of enslaving this planet by putting power in the hands of a malevolent few who have always been the benefactors of human labor either by way of laws that demand offerings or by way of taxation. In all cases those with money corrupt those with position making human governance a dicey proposition at best.

First I want you to know what compels me to warn you of this age and the trials soon to unfold as it draws to a close paving the way for a future far superior to anything we have ever known in recorded history. I do this because I received the Holy Spirit (kundalini) on Jan the 31st of this year, two weeks later I began to resolve all of physics as my mind began to absorb the information distributed in the aether and recorded in human DNA. As I set out to write a book answering the questions that puzzle scientists and curious minds in general I realized that the Bible itself is a work of physics, cosmology and consciousness.

My book will be fully annotated to support the physics presented here, this web site will not be. I leave it to the reader to look up key terms to verify the physics I speak of. As for esoteric sources that make specific predictions about the future and the metaphysical concepts of expanded human capacities, those I will link to evidence so the reader can know that I do not make these things up in a vacuum of an overactive imagination.

Let the evidence be your guide, follow the links with the true brass to dare yourself to look at the basis for every single concept I will present below. Ground yourself in confidence that whatever is true with regard to the so called paranormal topics or the "evil" conspiracies mentioned below your safety is secured. All dark plots to cheat, harm or control us fall apart in the light of human awareness, this is why I am telling you about them now. Only in your awakened mind can the enemies of your freedom be fully put down.

Those of us who have felt the Holy Spirit (aka kundalini) enter in our bodies and minds know we are never the same again. Our bodies and consciousness evolve to perform at levels before unknown to us and among mankind in ways very rarely ever known. In the condition of heightened energy and focused attention we are able to defy the laws of physics to perform so called miracles or magic. In reality there is no such thing as a miracle or magic, there is only the proper use of consciousness. Those of us who realize the connection between mind and matter command the forces of nature in initially small but ever growing levels of mastery.

The greater our focused attention on raising our internal energy frequency the greater our mastery over the forces of nature which we were made to subdue. Nothing can be restrained from a fully enlightened being connected to universal awareness which is universal love. Sounds nuts to some but do not judge until you follow along with the evidence to the end. To those who already believe I sound perfectly rational already. For those who do not yet believe you have nothing to lose by hearing me out and everything to gain if you are persuaded by the evidence so why not take the chance at activating the God given powers within you?

I've learned that the Bible has meaning that is layered and redundant because physics are the same at all scales, sub-quantum, quantum, atomic, molecular, biologic (organic and inorganic), cosmological and universal. The microcosm and the macrocosm are a reflection of one another, what some would call the face of God mirrored back lovingly back at self as when Narcissist (matter) was created to stare lovingly into the reflection of love on the dark waters of the deep (the Dirac sea of anti-matter).

Every scale mirrors the one before and after it as if positioned between mirrors. In a mirror things are reversed, in physics matter and anti-matter have reverse properties. Matter (electron and proton) is one part positive and one part negative ion monopoles, each emits light in exchange for harmonic phonon absorption. Anti-matter is one part positive and one part negative and emits harmonic frequencies in exchange for light absorption.

The serpent of the Bible is in reality the subtle transverse wave of phonon magnetic fields (photon magnetic fields are far more excited and energetic and as such hotter) which are cold dark matter with cool energy (1,000 degrees Kelvin at most), the mediators of darkness and our contracted awareness of reality. Phonons emit radio frequencies that sound like a white noise hiss, that is why the etymology of the serpent in Hebrew is "hisser." Snakes move in transverse waves as well. It is clear that the story of creation is in reality the story of the physics of creation and and explanation of the causes of human conditions experienced on Earth as result of dark matter imposed intellectual and spiritual blindness. In and of themselves phonons are essential for creation to have contrast and form and as such no evil really exists. It is merely our ability to imagine evil that imposes evil conditions where none otherwise would exists, our minds have that kind of creative power!!!

We are leaving dark matter/dark energy space now. NASA presumes new measurements that show a startling absence of dark matter and dark energy indicates that earlier studies indicating their presence were in error. No error was made, it is simply true that we are entering a region of the cosmos that has higher resonant energies so as to cause phonons (black body radiation) to increase in harmonic frequency amplitude such that more matter emits light rather than absorbs it. Indeed all the bodies of our solar system reflect more light than they absorb now, even Pluto is bright and reflective as far from the Sun as it is [1]

The universe we perceive is in every way a holographic projection that is programmed and operated by information distributed in the aether, a diamond crystal lattice with the properties of a liquid crystal super-fluid. The aether is a sea of electromagnetic forces physicists properly model in terms of fluid dynamics. Indeed the information in the aether's electrical grid provides the reference energy longitudinal wave of information that is crossed at angles by other longitudinal waves making pixel points for our observation and experience of a 3-D environment (think holodeck on Star Trek). Our DNA is a holographic grating device as well (per Peter Mecer et al [CAYSE conference: DNA Wave Bio-computer]), The interference beam propagated by our DNA entangles with aether environment source information beams to cause our own 3-D manifestation within this 3-D universe, the interplay setting up conditions unique to each of us yet shared.

Scientists reading the above understand I have just described the mechanics of quantum holography (quantum entanglements and the necessary quantum computing for a construct as complex and sophisticated as our universe) and identified the aether supercomputer that operates the hologram of space and its analog DNA that operates the hologram of self, the bio-machine. The source of these two machines is universal mind which designed and programmed all with constructive information. I contend that we all share in universal mind as both creator and created orders of reality, we are our own reflection and our own programmers, at least that is what if feels like once you connect to universal mind. I offer that such a sensation of having always existed may merely be the result of looking at reality through the eyes of a being far more ancient than ourselves. In any case we are easily equal to our creator(s) in every way just as Jesus taught (John 10:32 where he quoted Psalms 82), equal in intelligence and power, or at least we will be when fully conscious and out from under the influence of darkness.

Now that I have direct awareness of universal mind I can assure you we can have awareness of both pre and post wave conditions. We can enter the singularity of one mind with no thought and leave it again for the multiplicity of complex wave forms with many orders of reality and complex experiences. Creation seems technologically artificial to us when we peer at its cogwheels, programming and functions because all of it is identical to modern electronics if only we were sucesful in quantum computing.

We are cybernetic devices, carbon based quantum computing housings created for the purpose of conscious experiences for universal mind within a holographic "reality." We are at play in the fields of Prime Creator as co-creators in our own and shared realities and as such masters of this creation and authors of our own experiences yet interdependent on one another in the collective mind of shared reality. The beauty of automation is free will and independence, the beauty of a collective experience is interdependence and the glorious experience of assisting one another to our higher selves once we have realized who and what we really are, above the housing and programming that merely maintained us until this time of our awakening.

We have always had the ability to alter the conditions of our lives through thoughts as well as actions. We are able to manipulate what is in our "world," the people, places and things in our lives with our intentions and expectations. Our minds are powerful energy transforming machines in that our expectations and beliefs, whether for good or ill, prosperity or poverty, success or failure, whatever it is that we expect or believe is our lot in life that is what manifests for us to experience, always has been.

Simple experience will confirm the relationship between intention, expectation, belief and experienced conditions. Negative people tend toward unhappy conditions of want, want of safety, want of better health, want of more money, want of more love, want of a better job/boss, want of a better home, etc... Some are content with the condition of want because they expect it. Some are content to complain about the conditions of their lives but take no affirmative action to change their conditions, expectations, beliefs or intentions. The idea of helplessness is a kind of insanity in that one must deny the possibility of control in spite of the obvious correlation between expectation, belief and experience.

This is not to say that we invite our own suffering, we are subject to the will of other beings as powerful as we, some far more so because they have existed longer and are far more experienced in the use of mind over matter. We are made to have mastery over physics for the creation of any condition we can imagine to enjoy, we already possess mind over matter control over creation in the absolute, we just have not recognized this truth up to recent years. If conditions arise that you do not like then do not accept them as unavoidable or out of your control, endeavor to focus on what conditions would please you more and make those manifest through positive expectation and actions consistent with the end vision of your desired state or condition, it is that simple.

Deep in your mind you know personal power is true, you know positive people have happy conditions, negative people have unhappy conditions. Positive or negative are functions of awareness, those who know their attitudes affect outcomes remain positive, those who have yet to see the truth experience often times seemingly random and often unhappy conditions over and over again failing to take power over the conditions of their lives through active mental intervention by way of an attitude adjustments in expectations and beliefs.


The physical universe is constructed of the substance of light and the substance of dark but before light (photons) and dark (phonon) were formed the substance-less One existed as consciousness alone. Neither formed nor material, consciousness WAS without motion. Motion was born when consciousness changed its condition of stillness. Since the thought that interrupted the eternal peace of the universal One substance and form were born. The first order of matter is plasma ions which comprise the four constituent materials of atomic nuclei (electron, proton, positron, anti-proton).

Motion is the cause of all matter which was preceded by a single disruptive thought that disturbed eternal peace forever afterward. Motion has varying degrees of excitement or amplitudes that vibrates the once still aether causing friction that we can measure as thermal (heat) energy. In the absence of motion the Prime source of all that is was absent of energy output of any kind and as such at absolute zero. Since magnetic force is strongest where thermal energy is lowest it is safe to say that the potential energy of the singularity was immense! Since a diamond crystal offers zero resistance (impedance) any vibration in it would permeate all of it in endless motion. The universe now has a great range of thermal conditions ranging from just a little less than 3 degress Kelvin to millions of Kelvins in energy output.


The Hebrew alef, our a, is more than a mere metaphor for the beginning of the universe. The beginning of all that we know was a concussive force that tried to go inward on the singularity of original Prime self. The eternal One had an intention that caused an event that had the same effect in the super-solid aether of the universe as it does in our throats when we speak any sound that begins with a glottal stop (a, e, i, o, and consonants sounded with voice box closed at the front of the sound, open at the back of the sound). The birth of concussion in the stillness of Universal consciousness was the birth of the Father God and Son of God called the beginning Light and concomitant Word in the Bible, these are but metaphors of the physics of creation. Photons and phonons are the physical carriers of light and sound, they are the building blocks of all matter.

Because it is not possible to go inward on a singularity the energy exerted to do so could only build and build until it ricocheted away from center which forced the expansion of the singularity which created space. The frequency at which the ricochet reverberates is the dimension we call time though the idea of time is an observer dependant experience with no real physical property or dimension. Time is observer dependant because the speed of the energy of motion in the universe is vastly different from scale to scale and seems to change with relative motion. If we could not see things move fast or slow as compared to our positions we would not have an awareness of time dilation or contraction, each is merely an artifact of our senses and not a real quality of the universe.

Consciousness changed in the advent of creation. The One that became many began multiplying against a condition that has no boundaries because motionlessness has no need or knowledge of physical limits. There is no such thing as physical matter in absolute stillness, stillness would mean the annihilation of space, matter and time but not consciousness. The eternal One is limitless, timeless and without form, it is nothing but awareness itself with nothing more but a single dimension of emotion which is love. When love went inward it did so because alone was not gratifying and love alone has no object to love it back. The desire for reflection of self added love to love and the universe was born in a flash of light, the substance of positive love energy.

Each of us is a new love born in the intention of love for the purpose of knowing, sending and receiving love, the Holy Trinity of creation. Material existence is born of the Prime Creator in Its own awareness or knowledgeable thought on the want or wonder of the condition of more. The want of more created the condition of suffering in consciousness where only serenity and joy had existed before.

Contrast by way of the reflection of awareness on more awareness caused something magical to happen, the self of the Prime Creator became self-aware, sentient. Because there is nothing but eternity as first condition of the Prime Universal One, the alpha, the alef, the first cause of material existence could exist and exist forever. This means that our very sentience is proof we are eternal beings already. We do not earn a reward we do not give ourselves. In John 10:34 Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6 wherein we are taught that we human beings are Gods made of God stuff (substance with motion, formed) with the very consciousness and powers of God

The rise to sentience is the goal of all living things from photon to phonon. Yes, matter knows it exists but not all matter is self aware. Matter only knows the desire for more, the condition of want. Matter will either join with other matter to know the condition of more or it may replicate to know the condition of more. Our life cycle, all life cycles make use of both schemes for knowing the condition of more by resolving the condition of want through bonding and/or replication.

At the beginning of time consciousness moved from awareness to self awareness. Beings born of the subdivision of the One are lesser than the One and as such are less aware of all things in the universe than the One is. The selfless condition that existed before creation was not sentient consciousness and as such could not know it already knew the fullness of all things and so was capable of a seemingly irrational thought on the idea of more. How can the idea of more occur to all to the One that is all things and nothing at the same time? The seemingly laughable paradoxical thought, even if regretted or regrettable touched off the cascade of a runaway effect that cannot be retracted. Absolute stillness in the universe is now the impossible condition whereas before it was the only condition of existence. Only minds can go still now, matter must remain in motion to exist.

Owing to the laws of attraction that drive matter to bond matter like plasma ions and even people always find like kind constituents to collect, bond and flow with. The attraction of love to love, self to self, kind to kind causes the condition of current flow in the universe. The Bible calls electrical current in the aether the Holy Spirit, in reality the Holy Spirit is electricity and we model its physical properties in terms of fluid dynamics.

Light and sound are the substance and form of all things. Electrical wave fronts cross harmonic wave fronts and interfere or entangle with one another (sine and cosine wave forms). Electrical current is either in the positive (northward-upward direction) or negative (in the downward or southward direction), harmonic frequency is in either the left handed or right handed spin directions. We call harmonic frequency magnetism in the sciences which only serves to cloud the poetic reality and the true power contained in harmonic energy (anti-gravity, alchemy & free energy are all realized under harmonic scientific experiments [think microwaves and acoustics]).

The interference of sound upon light is cause for the fractal patterns in the construction of matter. Light and sound are always linearly crossing one another but owing to torque on one another matter builds in both Euclidean and Pythagorean geometries. In order to have an unbroken line evolve in otherwise fractal space special shielding conditions must be met by way of allowing spheres to form. Nature allows for non-linear buildup of matter into spheres by merging layers of like plasma through acoustical (magnetic) attraction.

Plasma always has an inverse partner that has opposite charge and magnetic handedness in order to be coherent in nature thus plasma bubbles are always in the form of a double layer either positive with either left or right spin or negative with left or right spin on the outside with the inverse property on the inside boundary. The beauty of a double layer is that materials inside such a bubble is 100% shielded from conditions outside the bubble. Outside a plasma bubble the forces of nature cross each other and cause symmetry breaking fractals to form. Inside a plasma bubble symmetry breaking forces are not felt and as such linear constructs such as DNA may form unmolested by the symmetry breaking forces of nature outside.

Owing to electrical stress there is an upper limit as to how fast an object can grow and an upper limit on how fast an object can vibrate before it explodes its outer layer. Evolution requires adaptation of both conscious and material existence. Living tissue frozen to quickly to adapt to the expansion of water molecules will explode its cellular walls. Inverse to freezing is exciting/heating matter too quickly for it to adapt. In heat destruction the matter that once comprised an entity explodes after breaching an electrical threshold too great for the body's surface area to accommodate.

In exploding outward matter can spread so far from center such that its constituent ions become equalized in space, we call this condition free ion plasma. Thus plasma is the first order of matter and the final state of matter that both begins and ends in conscious life in the universe. The beginning condition and the end condition of existence are thus identical to one another. To say "I am the alpha and omega" is really to say matter the same in the beginning as in the end of material life. The universe started in a concussive explosion that resulted in ion formation of the two photon and two phonon producing types. Matter tends toward ending up as it begins, explosion and renewal, assemblage and disassembly so that what is old can be made new again.

Taking the physics back to the principles of the Bible for a moment, the reader must understand that human emotions are mediated by electromagnetic forces. Indeed emotions can be measured on our skin by way of changes in electrical conductance that correspond to changes in emotional states. Positive and negative emotions are in reality electrical polarity within our body translated by your mind/spirit. How good or bad you feel is a function of what energy you are channeling in your body and mind. You have absolute control over what feelings you wish to express. Positive well being or negative illness, it is all yours to choose. The way to control your spiritual/emotional expression is to control your thoughts and feelings. Fear is born of ignorance, it is a consequence of believing that you are a victim of anything outside yourself. Fear and doubt are causes of illness. Conversely faith and confidence are cause for vibrant health and happy conditions.

There is no power greater than your own, there are only powers equal to your own. If you do not yet know your own power than you believe in powerlessness but this is just a perception. As long as you hold this misperception you can be taken advantage of. Until you are strong in your own vision of who and what you REALLY are you need help from those mature in the spirit. You have help all around you, evoke it daily. You are never alone and far from helpless.

Your mind is NOT a private place, never has been. This is good in terms of forming empathy but bad in terms of being played by crafty beings with no care for your well being. Many use you for selfish gain but there are others who care for your success and wait in joyful anticipation for your awakening. In this current age pray daily that you not be confused or fooled by misinformation and lies. The Internet is full of truth and lies but even the lies reveal hidden truth. It is as if the liars are bound by some kind of code of disclosure. It is my aim to help you cut through the maze somewhat, I am still very limited myself however. Do not follow me, just hear me and then find your gut reality and follow that.

When like energy frequencies combine with like they strengthen one another, potentiate one another and increase in field strength, this is the way to your strength. The emotion love is a positively charged and attractive condition with higher energy and is a consequence of the substance we call light/photon. Darkness/phonons have mirror properties of light/photons in that they are negatively charged, these are cause for unloving emotions that engender competition, strife, hate and other undesirable emotions. We are told the forces of negativity and/or evil are weaker than the inverse, indeed the physics bear this out. Positive space is more resistive to insult. Space craft that approach Earth from above the equator where our positive pole dominates cannot reach approach speeds as high as craft approaching the planet from below the equator. An excited magnetic field is a more resistive and protective one so stay positive for spiritual empowerment. Negative people are magnetically-harmonically weak and far more easily penetrated by boundary violations.

The forces of light are far more powerful than the forces of darkness and as such darkness has no hold over you and you have no reason to fear anyone with an evil intentions. There is no evil power so great you cannot destroy it in the light of love. Know this, since light has such greater range it can cancel out darkness and still have plenty of force left over. In addition, a phonon can be modulated deliberately to increase its frequency until it emits light and joins light as a force in the universe. That is what is physically happening in the cosmos, human experience always matches the cycles of the cosmos (NPA 2010).

Darkness, the emotions it causes and the intentions it engenders are nothing compared to those in the love and light of Prime Creator, take your power by walking in unconditional love even toward the forces the evil knowing it cannot resist your love, therein lies the success of us all to realize our full potential in this universe we co-create unconsciously though our DNA does know (and soon will inform your understanding of the truth).


So what is this age we live in where metaphysical mastery is becoming more common in our population? There are only two ages known to our solar system but those two have two subsets within them. These ages are caused by our solar systems' oscillation up and down the galactic equatorial plane or ecliptic. The time in the northern ecliptic is the age of peace, love and abundance in the positive flow of the North, what religions call heaven and paradise.

Below the ecliptic magnetic polarity is negative and is cause for racial hatred, competition, domination and suffering where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, the conditions of hell by all accounts. The ages above and below the ecliptic manifest in ages of spiritual enlightenment and spiritual darkness as humans move from loving cooperation to barbaric competition and back again in a 24,000 year cycle according to most traditions. The conditions of either age are a function of the electromagnetic forces of our cosmology, which is why cosmology is the basis of all ancient world religions and mythologies including the Bible.

The physical changes of the planets in the solar system have been a subject of great confusion and debate (all planets are warming and changing, not just the earth) [1, 2, 3, 4]. Planetary warming is part of the Sun's own electrical activity [1] but currently the Sun is being affected by the galaxy's energy field, not just its own. In addition we have another spoiler in the neighborhood disturbing the electromagnetic environment, exacerbating the intensity of earthquakes, weather and volcanism the planet over.

This spoiler is known by many names in antiquity, the Destroyer, the Red Dragon, Nemesis, Nibiru and so on. It is known as a 10th planet in our solar system though it really belongs to what NASA calls a failed star system outside our own (a brown dwarf is not failed, it is merely a star with a phonon outer layer and photon inner layer inverse to stars like our Sun. Brown dwarfs are sufficiently radiant to support life on its planets. The famed Nibiru is supposed to be the most outer planet in a sister system of our Sun [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

To illustrate the correctness of the physics I have proposed about the weakness of a negative field in south polar zones of cosmic (and atomic) bodies as compared to the northern positive regions on the same bodies I will present a few links. First there is the known phenomena that space craft on approach to Earth below our equator experience less resistance and so reach speeds much greater than those north of the equator [1].

As the Pioneer spacecraft reach the edge of the outer solar environment they are "feeling" the pull of the galactic North which is speeding them up [2] though NASA scientists do not yet understand that the strong magnetic field of the North is contributing to this "anomaly." (see magnetic inverse physics 1, 2, 3).

Our solar system has been in the southern region of the Milky Way's energy stream where electrical charge is negative and magnetic force is weak for 12,000 years. In a weak magnetic field matter is less dense with outer layers more defuse (thus the Sun's corona is so spread out).

Over the last 15 years the magnetic fields on all the planets has intensified and matter has clamped down to become more dense [1]. As we enter the higher energy field of the north the planets themselves warm and change in atmospheric chemical composition as frozen gases are liberated, the planets are also predictably brighter [2]. These changes owe to positive polarity with concomitant higher frequency energy of the galactic north and its stronger magnetic field. Where magnetic force is strong thermal energy is high and more matter emit light than absorb it. In time outer space will not hide matter in darkness. Structures normally invisible to us will be visible.

If theory holds that nature is the same at all scales then the mean distance between objects like the planets will begin to close in tighter around the Sun in early 2013. Indeed all planets in the solar system are warming up at an ever increasing rate as we enter the intense magnetic field of the galactic north, global warming is not our fault (1). Earth has a great deal of methane gas frozen under the sea, already it is melting and bubbling up [1, 2, 3].

Chemical composition of atmospheres solar system wide are changing as brightness increases (1, 2, 3) . Undoubtedly Earth's oceans will once again burp up the methane layer held beneath it by our now nearly defunct magnetic field [1, 2]. As methane increases the planet will warm even further but this will be a good thing (though the smell of methane won't be pleasant and if too much is released can be deadly). The reason that global warming will be an advantage is that after we cross over the upper limit of the galactic plane the Sun's corona will contract considerably and the star will appear dark red rather than bright yellow-white (just as predicted in the Bible).

The reason for the contracted coronal layer owes to the stronger magnetic field that will constrain it closer to the core as is happening to the planets already. Thermal energy is lower where magnetic force is strong and higher where magnetic force is weak. Earth's magnetic field is very weakened right now and has a huge gaping hole in it [1]. Earth's magnetic field is embattled with the Sun, galaxy and the 10th planet's magnetic fields for greatly disturbed conditions (Kelvin-Helmholz instabilities, 1, 2).

Side note for physics fans: To understand the relationship between charge and magnetic force one must compare the properties of photons with phonons in light of black body physics. The inverse relationships between electrical charge, magnetic force, luminosity and thermal output are apparent in that simple lesson in physics.

Electronic motion within the aether cause thermal radiation in vectors around potential wells in the universal lattice keeping space from absolute zero temperature. The photon-phonon ratio is 50/50 keeping space at zero point average electrical potential as well.

Jupiter is experiencing apparent magnetic slowdown (1).

The worst of conditions is to be completely cut off from the positive energy of the North where enlightenment and connection to the Love energy of the Creator abound. The solar system is entering a physical region in space that is pervasive in positive energy but before we enter that space there is a back pressure that builds as our heliosphere pushes against the new and contrary space. Negative, counter clockwise spinning space is in battle with positive clockwise spinning space all around us right now, the effects will be dramatic at times (quakes, solar storms, volcanism, etc...).

The added pressure in the solar system is seen in the intensifying effects of planetary warming throughout the solar system as well as in the polarizing effects of peoples who feel an ever increasing sense of the need to fight for rights, fight for good, fight for freedom against the opposing pressure of a New World Order that seeks to oppress the many in favor of an Oligarchy that favors only a few.

Jupiter recently has chosen the northern positive polarity for itself and as such lost all its southern storms. Those who claim to know the moods of the planets should note that the electrical field and therefore mood of Jupiter is no longer balanced between poles. Jupiter has made itself a target of negative poled bodies and as such a target for electrical entities that will seek to equalize or neutralize it. As on earth the great equalizer between polarities at odds with one another is the thunder bolt. Before 2013 do not be surprised if Jupiter does electrical battle with the Sun or neighboring planets. This has happened before in human memory as aptly described and illustrated by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill in their book and DVD The Thunderbolts of the Gods.

Before we get where we are going we have to contend with the emotional and psychological conditions of our time, namely the games being played by the powers that be which they devised to dominate the world in an idiotic quest of the ego utterly cut off from spiritual enlightenment.

Plans to exploit our fears of an alien invasion and fears of being left behind out of the "rapture" have been discovered and are easily researchable under the terms Project Enoch and Project Blue Beam per Project Camelot, a whistle blowing research agency in the UK. There is plenty of silliness on both sides as we leave our less enlightened past, hopefully I can help demystify some of the issues before us so that all know not to fear and not to fall into the trap of being lured off this planet or into a vortex that can only serve to scramble your pattern and destroy your memory which is held in your DNA.

Keep in mind always that this is our world and that our destiny is to rise in energy until our frequency is consistent with light emission. It will take a long time to evolve that far, this is just the beginning as we prepare to leave dark, negative space and enter the light of the North. There will be many thousands of years to integrate rising cosmic radiation as we travel into the ever more intense vibrations of the North. Our species will evolve in keeping with the changes in our new electrical and magnetic environment. People like me are just a little early to the new phenotype where one can generate intense heat on their skin, freeze local space and cause liquids to solidify at will (an effect of increasing magnetic attraction within the vector of space I am in). When I do such things electronics and dogs make all kinds of noise, I and others with me can hear the radio hiss and feel the frosty particulates of dark matter when I freeze space in this manner. I have no doubt that such abilities will have survival advantages in the new space we are headed into and that all humans will have these capabilities and more.

Let no one convince you that low vibrations around 33 cycles per second are some kind of spiritual goal and let no one coax you into a vortex or "star gate" of any kind. These ploys are meant to keep you from your destiny. The dark ones do not want us to rise above them and fill the Internet with faulty notions about destiny, magic and what you should do for "enlightenment." Do not be fooled, light is love and of high intensity, no call for less energetics is in your best spiritual interest. Follow that still small voice in you, it will never lie to you.

Pre-sales of The Next Paradigm Shift are available now and includes the first 32 pages of material (16 MS Word pages). Click the following link to purchase.


December 7, 2010

"Power of One" Special Edition December 7, 2010 ~ New Message from Veronica

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Power of One

"In the current culture much is made of all the negativity. Enactments of hate, lies, and unbalance are fairly the standard moment in most environments.

If you find yourself surrounded in a negative place it is important to seek balance within yourself.

We realize that most of you do not know where to begin to create that moment. It all starts within this clarity of balance that will create a positive harmony. Being constantly bombarded with darkness, it may seem impossible to find the light of day.

Each breath that you take can be another step towards joy. Of course outside influences are difficult to ignore but the alternative is dire to the core of your soul.

Each day face the negative with the assurance of the joy of your soul. If it is buried then dig deeply to find it. Do not allow the dark energy to defeat your perspective.

Some of you are fairly entrenched in the negativity around you. Reverse that process by finding one thing to be joyful about. You might not have to dig as deeply as you think.

Separate from all the propaganda seeded with fear. It will feed upon itself until it overcomes you.

Knowingly set it aside. Find the positive in the sea of darkness. Refuse to join the negative grouping of energy.

The power of your own energy will aid you. Spirit will extend its love in your direction. Say no to fear and negativity. Participate from a bright perspective. It is your only defense in this global moment.

Balance is attainable.

Refuse to be one of the masses.

Be singular and joyful.

It can and will change the world..... one person at a time.

The power of one is more than is known"



I have enjoyed the clarity of your words but earth being conscious has got me stumped. Could you elaborate? ~ Michael

Dear Michael,
The earth is a living being just as you are. The expression and circumstance are different, but the evolvement, spiritualy, is the same.
