
January 18, 2011

Messages From Veronica ~To Be Updated


Special Edition February 8, 2011

A Viewpoint of Your Life

"When one is incarnate it is easy to become completely absorbed by the linear dramatic life. The focus is immediate and compacted leaving the soul distracted by all the solidness and theatrics.

If one is to truly evolve it is important to step outside of the life. A view of the bigger picture is often helpful when trying to determine your advancement.

Take in each day a moment where the energy is not one of the linear. A moment where a sense of oneness and tranquility over rides everything else. It does not have to be a standard meditation process. It can be as simple as a walk, listening to music, or appreciating the breeze upon your face as you sit in a favorite spot.

The idea of a private moment is often foreign to most of you. A breath of tranquility no matter what the source, can give you a view point of your life.

Take a pause.

Separate from the little picture and participate with the bigger one. The one where your soul resides. It will make a difference. By putting the dramatics of the day that appear so enormous in a different perspective, you will be able to see clearly the direction to go.

Design your moment of meditation. It is certainly all right to do so.

Become one with the bigger picture. Your path may be easier in the linear because of it.

Take the pause.

Become clear."



I would like to know more about God. Following are some of the questions I have about God:

1. What is God?
2) What is God like?
3) Where is God?
4) What does God want?
5) What is God doing?

Thank you,

Dear Willie,
God is the force of energy that resides in all of you. Your evolvement is the primary focus of your essence. The energy of God desires what all of you desire; to grow, expand, and evolve.
You are doing what the god energy inside you wants. You are enacting the god energy in this dimension. Know that God is within you, not an outside entity.
Special Edition January 18, 2011
Past Life Energy

"In your current life experience there can often be incidents of unrest and difficulty that appear to have no connections to your current moment. It is, however, somewhat impossible to dismiss the negative energy as it impacts the now moment.

All of you have had lives where the energy created remains unresolved. Some of these lives manifested negative moments that had no opportunity in a physical enactment to resolve themselves. The life ended taking with it this energy wishing to be concluded. In some cases there is a huge build up of this energy from concurrent and parallel lives.

Those who find themselves in this type of moment are often confused with the influence those lives have upon their current ones. More confusion arises when the inability to get "anything right in the moment" reflects upon the life they are living now.

It is important to consider the energy of a past life, while attempting to work through present dramas. Being able to separate the past from the now is valuable.

Consider the multiple aspects of your physical experience. It may enable you to maintain your power and progress in this one."

[Note from Allen: While it may seem as if "past life" information is not readily available, there are many practitioners of "Past Life" Regression practicing worldwide. Other intuitives can also help you gain insight into "Past Life" issues. For nonphysical entities and guides such as VERONICA, these issues and past life threads are as obvious as it would be to you looking at a friend and being able to see what color hair they have. In fact this is a considerable understatement since many people may color their hair but reincarnational threads and dramas cannot be so altered or disguised.]


I wonder if you can tell me what part do soulmates or twin flames have in the next life dimension?

Thank you,

Dear JP,

The terms "soulmate/twin flame" have been given a rather glamorous appeal in your culture. In truth there are many energies that match up on a vibratory level.

To feel that there is only one "good match" puts stress upon those in the linear who are seeking connection.

In the next dimension the emphasis upon singular is not relevant.
Special Edition December 28, 2010

"Being physical in this particular time frame offers many challenges to energies attempting to maneuver through it. Those who are more experienced feel the lack of supportive energy from the environment. Younger souls find the journey almost impossible with the many manifestations of drama and difficulties.

With such constricting energy it is important for all on the physical plane to be creative and maintain clear focus.

It can be the goal, the idea, or the representation, but be sure to be focused clearly upon whatever it is you wish to create.

The availability of distraction at this time is abundant. Be very sure of where your attention lies. If one focuses on a mishap or difficulty it is incredibly easy to create more.

Stay the course no matter what outside forces assail your life. Keep your eye on the center of the target.

It is a difficult time but the ability to rise above and beyond it is available. Maintain your focus. You will be successful.

Stay the course."


Special Edition December 21, 2010
Ebb & Flow of Energy

"We are aware of your season of giving.

It relates to many cultures that have existed upon your earth plane. From our perspective the moment should be expanded beyond the boundaries that have been put in place by time.

It is also important in the giving to allow for the receiving of energy to be in place. It is a moment of respect for the self to receive others who wish to give to you.

Everything in your universe is based on give and take of energy. This concept goes right down to the atoms and molecules that create the reality you all exist within.

Remember to open your energy to the concept of receiving. It is impossible in the linear to continue giving energy without the possibility of receiving. So enjoy the moment of emphasis and continue to create.

The universe in its solidarity is counting upon the exchange.

Be kind to others and yourself.

It is the only way."


Special Edition December 14, 2010
Rough Times In The Linear

"In the linear the feeling of separation is often expanded as one feels his or her way through the sea of chaos. Most feel the void and become fearful that their connection with their soul may be forever out of their reach.

It is important to realize that those in spirit are always moving past any impediments to connecting with those they love in the linear.

Close your eyes when fearful and feel the touch of spirit. The warmth of that embrace can supersede any detachment one may feel while in the physical form.

Spirit senses when the disconnect occurs and moves forcefully to reconnect. Allow the energy to proceed. We realize it may be difficult but open yourself to the probability if at all possible.

We have stated before that spirit will never abandon you. This remains the most stable connection in the linear world as spirit moves forward to connect.

Always know that these moments of warmth and love continue. Pay attention in times of trouble so that the connection may become more stable.

It is the best possible moment when the soul can smooth the rough edges of a linear moment. It is not your imagination, the work of spirit is profound. Believe in the moment and all will be well.

The soul has the power to smooth out all of the roughness. One simply needs to allow for that to occur.

Close your eyes and believe.

Relief will be forthcoming."


Special Edition December 7, 2010
Power of One

"In the current culture much is made of all the negativity. Enactments of hate, lies, and unbalance are fairly the standard moment in most environments.

If you find yourself surrounded in a negative place it is important to seek balance within yourself.

We realize that most of you do not know where to begin to create that moment. It all starts within this clarity of balance that will create a positive harmony. Being constantly bombarded with darkness, it may seem impossible to find the light of day.

Each breath that you take can be another step towards joy. Of course outside influences are difficult to ignore but the alternative is dire to the core of your soul.

Each day face the negative with the assurance of the joy of your soul. If it is buried then dig deeply to find it. Do not allow the dark energy to defeat your perspective.

Some of you are fairly entrenched in the negativity around you. Reverse that process by finding one thing to be joyful about. You might not have to dig as deeply as you think.

Separate from all the propaganda seeded with fear. It will feed upon itself until it overcomes you.

Knowingly set it aside. Find the positive in the sea of darkness. Refuse to join the negative grouping of energy.

The power of your own energy will aid you. Spirit will extend its love in your direction. Say no to fear and negativity. Participate from a bright perspective. It is your only defense in this global moment.

Balance is attainable.

Refuse to be one of the masses.

Be singular and joyful.

It can and will change the world..... one person at a time.

The power of one is more than is known"


Special Edition November 30, 2010
Seek Your Soul

"Often in the physical it is difficult to determine if one is evolving spiritually. Dramas unfold causing great confusion in the hearts of those incarnate.

In pursuit of the truth, outside linear input can often mislead those who seek a plateau of spiritual connection. It is spirit and only spirit in harmony with you that will lead to the advancement of your soul.

It is important to take time in the chaos of a life to center one's perception of the self. A quiet thought has great worth when seeking spiritual alignment. If you find yourself in a sea of doubt or a confused arena of perspective, seek your soul. As we have said many times, it will not abandon you... ever.

Physical life offers opportunity to experience, but the imperfect energy can often derail your progress. Your spiritual perspective can repair the misalignment. All one need do is step back from the dramas and align with spirit.

Feel the pulse of yourself and the pulse /vibration of your soul. It will make a difference. This life is but one chapter in a novel of your evolvement. It will resolve itself if you reach out spiritually.

Go ahead.

Give it a try."


Special Edition November 23, 2010

"In the current reality it may appear that it is at the brink of disaster. Every moment being filled with a crescendo of negativity. One wonders where it will all lead to as the parameters of your world wavers. Many of your feel that th end is near, but is it?

Without fear it is a beginning.

Know that spirit is ever present for all within every heart beat in the physical. Often in the chaos one feels separated from their soul while walking through their lives. It is important to remember that you create your reality and it must be done from a fearless place.

Being physical at this time does require great courage. So much fear is being hurled into the mass consciousness that many of you have become paralyzed within it.

Attempt to regain your balance while moving past fear into your own soul. It is in this space you wil find that bravery to defeat negativity.

By creating in a fearless space there is great hope for your planet. Connecting with others positively will change the imbalance that is now occurring.

The end is not near. What will happen is the evolution of the planet and the advancement of your soul.

Be fearless."


Special Edition November 16, 2010
The Garden of Life

"The choice to incarnate is never a standard one. Each soul makes the leap into physical for different reasons. There are some who enjoy the process and grow with each event. Others do not incarnate often and find the whole process too separate and tedious to gather evolution from. Regardless of the various levels of perception each of you tend the garden of your life specifically.

It is important to plant seeds of experience, trim the leaves as the seedling begins to sprout, water and pay attention to all the variables that will help your flowers grow.

Along the way it is sometimes necessary to weed the garden so as not to distract from the magnificence of it.

Yes, weeds can be a negative participation but the importance of your focus upon the flower supersedes the weeds. It is your responsibility to remove the negativity so that all may blossom and grow.

Not becoming attached to the destruction that the weeds represent is a very important one. Reach deep into your energy, tend your garden. Spring is always just around the corner in your heart and soul.

Take advantage of the sunshine and realize that rainy days are equally valuable.

In the end it will be the flowers that you will remember and the joy their fragrance gives you."


Special Edition November 9, 2010
Walking A New Path

"Many times we have encountered those in the linear who are tired of walking down familiar paths. They are often ones where the outcome is predictable and the energy ever devolving into greater negativity.

Physical life is full of opportunity to change direction. One has to be full of courage to do so. A belief system in your ability to choose is also needed.

Whatever has occurred you do have the ability to change it. All of the drama surrounding the change may appear to be difficult but only if you enable it to do so. The confusion arises when allowing inappropriate drama to continue. It begins to feel very commonplace. Those in that energy space usually feel unable to change their course.

Spirit will assist you in your quest to walk a new path. Feeling like a victim of circumstance only enables the negativity to stay.

Choose to change direction.

At first it may feel awkward or lonely. However, put one foot in front of the other as you walk the new path.

Your soul will accompany you on the journey.

A new path is a new life which brings the probability of happiness and connection.

Take the first step."


Special Edition November 2, 2010
The Strength To Change It

"In the physical realm it becomes easy to allow negative energy to persuade you that you are not worthy.

This self deprecating despair overwhelms many who are living a difficult life. In an attempt to correct this one may often look at it through their physical eyes. In doing so they become overwhelmed, thus powerless to do anything about it.

This 'stuck feeling' is a huge concern for those participating in the linear. One needs to reach deep into the soul to find the strength to change it. Perhaps the view from one's physical eyes is not the one to dwell on.

The spiritual eyes of the soul offer a perspective that is unconditional and forgiving. Looking at the situation from the eternal can bring hope to what seems unsolvable. When the physical energy has dwindled the soul can help you dig down to a new level of courage. No matter how dire the drama, the soulful energy can transform you to a new level of understanding.

When faced with turmoil, let your soul comfort you. Look out onto your world with spiritual eyes for a new perspective and solution.

The soul is tireless in its pursuit of your wll being."


Special Edition October 26, 2010
The Journey With Your Soul

"As one walks through a life it is sometimes difficult to feel the full connection with the soulful energy. If it is indeed a journey, how then does one make that journey with the soul?

It is important to remember that by incarnating one establishes a singularity. In the body with all of the linear distractions, that separateness can create a vivid loneliness.

Finding oneself in the physical environment without the companionship of the soul can be daunting, even for the most advanced energy.

Take a moment to separate from all the chaos of the day. Remember the peaceful vibration from which you came.

Allow that energy to fill your thoughts. By re-investigating that relationship within you there will be better opportunity to know yourself. The ability to reconnect will guide you through the most difficult of times.

Allow the soul to walk with you through this life. It deserves the connection as much as you miss it.


Walk the path together.

This life need not be separate from your soul's energy."


Special Edition October 19, 2010
Emotional Healing

"Many who incarnate into the physical find themselves at some point battling a disease of the body. It may appear to be rooted in genetics or the environment. However, perhaps the real inception lies in emotional turmoil that may need healing. This could be a moment from the current lifetime as well as a past life.

As one walks through the life it is important to listen to your emotions, not just to act and react with them. An understanding of the effect that energy has on your body supersedes many ideas your culture may have upon health.

We would recommend awareness of your emotional strengths and weaknesses. If you indeed find yourself lacking then appropriate attention to healing would be in order.

Spend moments energetically transmitting the power of your soul. Look at the situation honestly even if at first you find it difficult.

By removing negative emotion while offering healing, the probability of disease free participation could exist.

It is not easy being a participant on the earth. Your best defense is to address yourself emotionally whenever possible. Yes, eventually the body will pass from the earth plane, however, the journey does not have to be emotionally or physically painful.

Call upon spirit to assist. Return to the core of your energy for support. Heal difficult emotion immediately. The mistake of not addressing it will result in difficulty at some point.

Feel the emotion within.

Offer it solace when needed.

Return to the soul to support and heal the negative emotions.

Emotionally healing -------------------- the best soulmade homemade remedy you can give yourself."


Special Edition October 12, 2010
Self Doubt

"When aspiring to create and manifest in the linear it is important to consider your energy input. Often the difficulty of bringing manifestations into the linear is interfered upon by the exact one who is trying to bring them in.

How you think about yourself and your abilities becomes clear when things either go well or do not.

Examine your opinions and personal energy often. In truthfulness see how those moments have an effect upon your experience. You are connected to your soul, which feels powerful in the moment, however, your self doubt can often derail the best laid plans.

It's not easy to examine the self. Earlier experience, which includes childhood and past life can aid the self into feeling powerless and victimized.

Whenever possible attempt to see a moment clearly without the opinions interfering.

Pure thought is the best approach.

We realize it would be easier to blame outside forces for derailments, however, the courage to examine the self would be the best route.

Stay still.

Look doubt in the eye and see it for what it is.

Be more powerful and self assured, your soul is.

Eliminate the doubt and embrace your power. It's really the only way."


Special Edition October 5, 2010
Balance in the Present

"Becoming physical is indeed a great undertaking. The benefits are many if one can navigate a steady path towards the evolving of the soul.

It is often that we are asked about the future. Many in their belief systems feel that the future is a pre-written script that if followed will take them to the next level. The fascination of what the future will bring negates the power of the present. It is really the only place where one can create their future moment.

It is imperative to stay calm and focused now. Each choice made is another facet of what will come. It can not be predicted, only created.

That creative moment is your present. By staying balanced without the hindrance of fear there is more clarity to have the life you desire.

Reaching deep within to maintain the balance is the key. Separating from all the chaos to that quiet place within will help.

The balance maintained will aid you in your path to clarity. It is, however, in the now not the future.

One cannot have a flower without first planting the seed s and enriching the earth beneath.

Stay focused.

Be quiet.

Balance in the now will create your future, which will then become your next now. As you can see, it is really an eternal present moment.

Be powerful.

Be balanced."


Special Edition September 28, 2010
Forgiveness... Is It Possible?

"The soul learns much through the pathways of physical existence. The dramas created leaving one to ponder the ability to put oneself into a scenario and perceive from another's viewpoint.

Many wrongs are endured by those who trusted another... injury to the heart a constant reminder that some energies blindly push their way through a life with little or no care to those they bruise.

What of those who are injured? Are they required to bear the scars of cruelty endlessly? In some viewpoints it seems so, however, it is important to remember that forgiveness is often the pathway to liberation from one who wold cause injury. By taking their power away through non-engagement in the negative exchange one can achieve separation.

The next step to strengthen the resolve is letting go of the pain by releasing the feelings attached to the exchange.

Not an easy task, however, a necessary one if you are desiring to release yourself totally. To continue without forgiveness only beckons more in future moments. Often it becomes a pattern resulting in a repetitive moment.

It is important to realize that some who would injure you do not realize what they are doing. They participate in an unconscious moment triggered by their own pain.

Decide within yourself that it is possible to forgive. Venture down the path and release the negativity. It will not immediately fix everything but it will put you in a greater creative arena.

Forgive and release.

Further participation may not be possible with them.

Forgive and release.

Make your way to freedom & peace.



Special Edition September 21, 2010
Multiple Lives, One Existence

"The harmony of the soul often eludes those in the linear. Interaction with other energies can incite a battle of whits that can preclude the necessary alignment with one's own vibration.

When a soul incarnates within its soul group there are often continuing dramas that thread themselves through many lives. A particular imbalance between two energies may take several lifetimes to emerge into a more tranquil interaction.

If you find yourself in a web of discomfort it is important to remember that it is but a chapter in the evolvement that is being created between you. The dance will continue until it is resolved. The despair of this participation interaction may be alleviated in the next life.

In the case of the current interaction the snares from past moments can lay in one's path as the life proceeds in the now. Often two souls of great connection participate at this level.

If one is able to look at it from this perspective it is possible to understand where the difficulty originated and where it is going.

Know that you participate on many levels and that not all of them are difficult.

Stay the course for in the eternal crescendo all will be resolved. You will find the place and tranquility you seek. Be strong."


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