
April 26, 2012

December 21, 2012 Predictions

April 26, 2012 By

The Internet is awash with predictions based on the astrology of December 21 2012 because the Mayan calendar apparently ends on this date. The frenzy of predictions range from spiritual enlightenment and ascension, to all out global war and the end of days. There are some very significant astrological events leading up to December which we mentioned in the posts 2012 Astrology, Uranus square Pluto and Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecy and I share the interest in this speculation particularly because I am fascinated the the Yod aspect pattern, and on 21st December 2012 there is a very special Yod aspect pattern to the planet Jupiter which is conjunct the important fixed star Aldebaran. In the last few hundred years, there has only been one Jupiter Yod similar to the  December 21 2012 Jupiter Yod. That was in May 1989, so I will look at what manifested from that, and then take a closer look at the December 2012 Yod. For an explanation of the Yod aspect pattern see Yod Astrology.

1989 Jupiter Yod

December 21 2012 AstrologySaturn sextile Pluto causes those things rules by these planets to work together energetically with a common purpose. Saturn is the security and structure given by governments and organization, law and order, the framework for society to function in. Pluto is like a big brother to Saturn, Pluto is ultimate power and control, the multinational corporations and global political and private organizations, the new world order. Working together we could see this as the UN, IMF, dictatorships, global partnerships such as communism and the alliances of the West. Pluto is also secret and underworld, and tied to conservative Saturn we get global groups such as Freemasonry, Opus Dei and Al-Qaeda.
Jupiter is philosophy and religion. The moral code of the society, more to do with the rights of the individual than Saturn and Pluto. Jupiter is optimistic and freedom loving. It rules judges and clerics and the rights of people in the society. So Saturn and Pluto bear down their joint forces on Jupiter via the quincunxes. Jupiter must express the energy somehow. In 1989 we have a number of examples how this occurred, with far reaching consequences. The Yod was most exact on 18 May 1989, when The Chinese government declared martial law in Beijing to deal with protesting students in Tienanmen square. Jupiter was at 13.25 Gemini. The most significant events relating to this Yod did not occur for another 16 days when a New Moon occurred at 13.12 Gemini on 03 June 1989, activating the Yod action point.
December 21 2012 Astrology
Less than one hour after that New Moon, Tienanmen square had been cleared leaving thousands dead. Saturn and Pluto control and domination squashed Jupiter hopes. One hour before that New Moon on the Jupiter action point, Ayatollah Khomeini died in Tehran from an operation 2 weeks earlier, when the Jupiter Yod was close in aspect. The next day, the Vatican backed Solidarity Movement won the Polish elections, the first of the anti communist revolutions. These events show the effects of Saturn and Pluto on Jupiter. Global entities such as the Catholic Church and Communism. Less obvious but still working behind the scenes would have been Western capitalism supporting the Chinese students and the Solidarity Movement. I see Jupiter here as the rights of the people, standing up against the power of authority as represented by the anit-religious, anti-freedom communist governments.
Jupiter always wants to expand, and at the focal point of a Yod, the issue is forced, this time by the heavyweights of global movements, organizations and governments. The communists lost in Poland, and won in China. The people won in Poland and lost in China. So Saturn – Pluto was stronger in China, represented by the autocratic government. But Saturn-Pluto was also strong in Poland with the influence of the Catholic Church and Western governments. It seems that Tienanmen square was a negative manifestation of this Yod, while Poland was a positive manifestation of that same energy.

December 21 2012 Astrology Chart

Based on the events of 1989, we may expect the big global players to be involved in some power struggle again. The way things are going at the moment, multinational corporations may be the cause of some uprising expressed through Jupiter. One factor not in play in 1989 was the internet which has brought us all much closer together to share our thoughts. I see this a very Jupiter, expanding horizons. People power will be stronger with this networking and sharing of information.
December 21 2012 Horoscope
The 2012 Yod has no lunation near by to activate it like occured in 1989, so that may weaken the effect. However there was no fixed star at the action point in 1989. In 2012, Jupiter will be on a major fixed star for this Yod and this will give it a lot of strength.

Aldebaran and December 21 2012

The fixed star Aldebaran is one of the four Royal Stars of ancient Persia. It’s effects have been studied and documented for thousands of years. It will add extra energy to this configuration as it gives extraordinary energy. When looking into the effects of this star over the last century, I found a definite link to the Jupiter themes discussed about the 1989 Yod. Aldebaran is linked to the social rights of society. This is supported by research from Nick at Lunar Planner Forum.Aldebaran holds the vision for global leaders and world servers inspiring the administrative planning of world affairs, specifically for physical logistics and a global infrastructure designed to support humanity through evolutionary unfoldment and global change. Prominent alignments with the Aldebaran / Antares axis can express into the business and political arenas and is of their leaders“.
Like 1989, this might work out positively and negatively at the same time. At best we could see governments and corporations listening to the global community and working to fix the mess of consumerism and environmental disasters. At worst there could be massive uprisings against the corruption of power in governments by the corporations. Religion will again be an issue. Islam has gone more extreme since 1989 and the West is viewed as the Christian Crusaders more than ever now in the Middle East. Alderbaran is a military star and some see it as the energy of Archangel Michael, “Military Commander of the Heavenly Host“, and with Jupiter it gives “Great ecclesiastical honor and high military preferment.” So at worst we could see an escalation in religious wars.
At best we may see the raising of global spirituality to a new level of acceptance and understanding. We may well see the best and the worst at the same time, and this polar extreme is something common in the effect of the Royal Stars. As Bill Tierney wrote about the Yod: “arriving at a fork in the road and having to proceed in one direction rather than another without knowing where it will lead to.” Some of us will take one road, and some the other. We will be presented with an opportunity for peace. The action point of a Yod comes under intense pressure, and has to release the energy somehow. When there is a planet opposite the reaction point, that’s where the energy heads to find expression. In December 2012, Venus will be opposite Jupiter. Venus is the reaction point of this Boomerang Yod, so all that combined energy of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter will be condensed and focused on Venus, peace and harmony. That day Sun will be sextile Neptune which will impart a positive spiritual energy to the whole dynamic.
Home > 2012 Astrology > December 21 2012 Predictions

VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter

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